Linux Requirements

The STEP Tools® SDK for Intel 64bit Linux supports all modern distros with runtime compatibility back to RHEL/Centos 7, Debian 7, and Ubuntu Trusty. The 64bit libraries are link compatible with GCC 4.8 or later, with dynamic linking as well as plain and position-independent (-fPIC) static linking.

Install Procedure

The STEP Tools® development stack is spread across several packages. The Core SDK package contains software needed for all types of data, with separate STEP and IFC Stacks that covers applications based on those models.

  1. To install, unzip the package into the desired installation directory. This will create a directory called steptools_20. You can unpack distributions for many platforms into the same directory. The binaries for each platform are in separate subdirectories under "bin" and the libraries for different compiler configs are in separate subdirectories under "lib".
    % cd /my/dest/dir
    % unzip

    The SDK libraries are built for several different compiler configurations. These are kept in separate directories as shown below:

    Linux Intel 64bit
    <install-dir>/lib/linux_x64_gcc    	GCC 4.8+, static libraries
    <install-dir>/lib/linux_x64_gcc_pic    	GCC 4.8+, static libraries with -fPIC
    <install-dir>/lib/linux_x64_gcc_shared 	GCC 4.8+, dynamic libraries (.so)
  2. In the steptools_20 directory, run the stdev_install script, which creates environment settings with the install location and C++ compiler version that you plan to use.
    % cd steptools_20
    % ./stdev_install
  3. Request, and then install a license key as described in Software License Keys. We will send the key by e-mail.

  4. Install the STEP Stack or IFC Stack as required. Simply unzip the package on top of the install directory.

The install script creates (for Bash) and rose_logicals.csh (for C Shell) in the installation directory. These set environment variables for paths to the development files. Check them to make sure the settings are correct.

Evaluate when you start a new shell. This appends $ROSE_BIN to your search path and may set $ROSE_LIB to the shared library path. Make sure these are always set before you use any of the development tools.

% source rose_logicals.csh
% .