Reading Example

When reading files, use the stplib_get_schema() function to query the schema that a file identified itself as. It returns the StplibSchemaType enum value for the schema. The stplib_get_schema_name() function returns the original schema name string, which is useful if the enum type is "other". Using these functions, you can process files described by any of the STEP APs using a single application.

The code below reads each of the files produced by the writing example and prints out some identifying schema information. It also prints a list of instances found in the file and the C++ class name of each. In older AP203 or AP224 files, assignments are read as instances of the modern "applied" classes.

#include <stp_schema.h>

void print_info (RoseDesign *d)
    printf (==> schema name: %s\n, stplib_get_schema_name (d));

    switch (stplib_get_schema (d)) {
    case stplib_schema_none:	printf (==> no schema set\n);  break;
    case stplib_schema_ap203: 	printf (==> AP203 file\n);  break;
    case stplib_schema_ap203e2: printf (==> AP203e2 file\n);  break;
    case stplib_schema_ap214: 	printf (==> AP214 file\n);  break;
    case stplib_schema_ap224:	printf (==> AP224 file\n);  break;
    case stplib_schema_ap238:	printf (==> AP238 file\n);  break;
    case stplib_schema_ap238e2:	printf (==> AP238e2 file\n);  break;
    case stplib_schema_ap240:	printf (==> AP240 file\n);  break;
    case stplib_schema_ap242:	printf (==> AP242 file\n);  break;
    case stplib_schema_other:	printf (==> Other type of file\n);  break;

    RoseCursor objs;
    RoseObject * obj;

    while (( != 0) {
	printf (\t#%lu instance of %s\n, obj-> entity_id(), obj->className());

void main()

    printf (Using null pointer\n);
    print_info (0);
    printf (Using new design\n);
    print_info (new RoseDesign (foo));
    print_info (ROSE.findDesign (test_default.stp));
    print_info (ROSE.findDesign (test_ap203.stp));
    print_info (ROSE.findDesign (test_ap203e2.stp));
    print_info (ROSE.findDesign (test_ap214.stp));
    print_info (ROSE.findDesign (test_ap242.stp));
The code will print the following output:
Using null pointer
==> schemaname: step_merged_ap_schema
==> no schema set
Using new design
==> schemaname: step_merged_ap_schema
==> no schema set
Reading: .\test_default.stp
==> schemaname: STEP_MERGED_AP_SCHEMA
==> Other type of file
	#19 instance of cartesian_point
	#18 instance of applied_approval_assignment
	#17 instance of applied_certification_assignment
	#16 instance of applied_contract_assignment
	#15 instance of applied_date_and_time_assignment
	#14 instance of applied_person_and_organization_assignment
	#13 instance of applied_security_classification_assignment
	#12 instance of applied_document_reference
	#11 instance of product_context
	#10 instance of product_definition_context
Reading: .\test_ap203.stp
==> AP203 file
	#19 instance of cartesian_point
	#18 instance of applied_approval_assignment
	#17 instance of applied_certification_assignment
	#16 instance of applied_contract_assignment
	#15 instance of applied_date_and_time_assignment
	#14 instance of applied_person_and_organization_assignment
	#13 instance of applied_security_classification_assignment
	#12 instance of applied_document_reference
	#11 instance of product_context
	#10 instance of product_definition_context
Reading: .\test_ap203e2.stp
==> AP203e2 file
	#19 instance of cartesian_point
	#18 instance of applied_approval_assignment
	#17 instance of applied_certification_assignment
	#16 instance of applied_contract_assignment
	#15 instance of applied_date_and_time_assignment
	#14 instance of applied_person_and_organization_assignment
	#13 instance of applied_security_classification_assignment
	#12 instance of applied_document_reference
	#11 instance of product_context
	#10 instance of product_definition_context
Reading: .\test_ap214.stp
==> schemaname: AUTOMOTIVE_DESIGN
==> AP214 file
	#19 instance of cartesian_point
	#18 instance of applied_approval_assignment
	#17 instance of applied_certification_assignment
	#16 instance of applied_contract_assignment
	#15 instance of applied_date_and_time_assignment
	#14 instance of applied_person_and_organization_assignment
	#13 instance of applied_security_classification_assignment
	#12 instance of applied_document_reference
	#11 instance of product_context
	#10 instance of product_definition_context
Reading: .\test_ap242.stp
==> AP242 file
	#19 instance of cartesian_point
	#18 instance of applied_approval_assignment
	#17 instance of applied_certification_assignment
	#16 instance of applied_contract_assignment
	#15 instance of applied_date_and_time_assignment
	#14 instance of applied_person_and_organization_assignment
	#13 instance of applied_security_classification_assignment
	#12 instance of applied_document_reference
	#11 instance of product_context
	#10 instance of product_definition_context