
The RoseUnit enumeration identifies common units encountered by the STEP-NC API. The zero value indicates an unrecognized unit, and the "as_is" value is used to signal access functions that no unit conversion is desired. This type shadows the matching C++ enum in the CAD Math Library.

The node version of this enum is a read-only object with fields for each enumerator value. Each field holds the correct numeric value. Use the "Unit" property exported from the module.

RoseUnit Definition

enum RoseUnit {  				    exports.Unit = {  
    unknown=0,							unknown: 0,
    as_is,	// no conversion				as_is: …,

    /* length */
    mm,		// millimeters					mm: …,
    cm,		// centimeters					cm: …,
    m,		// meters					m: …,
    inch,	// inches 					inch: …,
    ft, 	// feet 					ft: …,
    micrometre,	// millionth of a meter 			micrometre: …,
    nanometre,	// billionth of a meter 			nanometre: …,
    milliinch, 	// thousandth of an inch 			milliinch: …,
    microinch,	// millionth of an inch 			microinch: …,

    /* area */
    mm2,	// square millimeters 		    		mm2: …,
    cm2,	// square centimeters		    		cm2: …,
    m2,		// square meters				m2: …,
    in2,	// square inches				in2: …,
    ft2,	// square feet					ft2: …,

    /* volume */
    mm3,	// cubic millimeters				mm3: …,
    cm3,	// cubic centimeters				cm3: …,
    m3,		// cubic meters					m3: …,
    in3,	// cubic inches					in3: …,
    ft3,	// cubic feet					ft3: …,

    /* angle */
    deg,	// degrees					deg: …,
    rad, 	// radians					rad: …,

    /* solid angle */
    steradian, // steradian					steradian: …,

    /* time */
    sec,	// seconds					sec: …,
    min,	// minutes					min: …,
    hour,	// hours					hour: …,

    /* feedrates - linear speed */
    mmps,	// millimeters per second			mmps: …,
    mmpm,	// millimeters per minute			mmpm: …,
    cmps,	// centimeters per second			cmps: …,
    mps,	// meters per second				mps: …,
    ips,	// inches per second				ips: …,
    ipm,	// inches per minute				ipm: …,
    fps,	// feet per second				fps: …,
    fpm,	// feet per minute				fpm: …,

    /* feed per revolution */
    mmprev,	// millimeters per revolution			mmprev: …,
    iprev,	// inches per revolution			iprev: …,

    /* feed per tooth */
    mmptooth,	// millimeters per tooth			mmptooth: …,
    iptooth,	// inches per tooth				iptooth: …,

    /* spinspeeds - rotational speed */
    hertz,	// revolutions per second (hz)			hertz: …,
    rpm,	// revolutions per minute			rpm: …,

    /* pressure */
    pa,		// pascals					pa: …,
    kpa,	// kilopascal					kpa: …,
    mpa,	// megapascal					mpa: …,
    psi,	// pounds per square inch			psi: …,

    /* force */
    newton, 	// newtons					newton: …,
    lbf,	// pound force					lbf: …,

    /* power */
    watt,	// watts					watt: …,
    kw,		// kilowatts 					kw: …,
    hp,		// horsepower					hp: …,

    /* torque - full names to avoid confusion */
    newton_meter, // newton meters				newton_meter: …,
    pound_foot,	// pound foot					pound_foot: …,

    /* temperature */
    celsius, 	// degree Celsius				celsius: …,
    kelvin, 	// degree Kelvin				kelvin: …,
    fahrenheit,	// degree Fahrenheit				fahrenheit: …,
    rankine,	// degree Rankine				rankine: …,

    /* symbolic units */
    count, 							count: …,
    parameter,							parameter: …,
    ratio,							ratio: …,
    revolution,							revolution: …,
    tooth,							tooth: …,

    MAX_VALUE 							MAX_VALUE: …
};							    };