
The IFCMesh class is of RoseMesh subtype that holds a mesh generated from a IFC shape representation. It provides associativity between the generated facets, and the faces defined in the IFC data.

The class has const methods which are useful for the const instances returned by the IFCMeshBuilder. When using the builder, you may get access to the mesh while it is still being created. The IFCMesh class does not have any locking mechanism, so if you are accessing the mesh before it is fully built (perhaps to display faces as they are being rendered), use the thread-safe accessors provided by IFCMeshBuilder instead of the functions in this class.


const RoseMeshEdgeInfo * findEdgeInfoIfc(
	IfcRepresentationItem * curve
	) const;

The findEdgeInfoIfc() function returns the edge information structure for a given edge representation item. This function returns null if the representation item was not found.


IfcRepresentationItem * getIfcEdge(
        unsigned i
	) const;

The getIfcEdge() function returns the IFC edge instance, which will be an edge curve or boundary curve.


IfcRepresentationItem * getIfcFace(
        unsigned i
	) const;

The getIfcFace() function gets the IFC face instance for a given mesh face by index.


IfcRepresentation * getRep() const;

The getRep() function returns the IFC representation that the mesh was built from. This holds the representation context that describes units and uncertainty.


IfcRepresentationItem * getRepItem() const;

The getRepItem() function returns the IFC representation item that represents this mesh as a whole. This will be a a type that a mesh can be built from.


unsigned getVertexIndex(
        IfcCartesianPoint * pt
	) const;

unsigned getVertexIndex(
        IfcVertex * v
	) const;

The getVertexIndex() function returns the vertex identifier for a given IFC point or vertex. This is can be used to maintian associativitiy between the IFC items and the elements in the mesh.