Source and output

Create a Small Data Set

The CREATE program is one of the sample applications included in the back of the SDAI spec. It works with the picture.exp schema from the tutorials and creates a simple graphics database.

The C program has been set up so that it can be compiled with either ANSI or K&R C compilers.

Build Instructions

  1. Source the "Rose_Logicals" file to define environment variables. Make sure you replace "/usr/steptools" with the ST-Developer installation directory for your site.
       % source /usr/steptools/Rose_Logicals
       % set path=($PATH $ROSE_BIN)
  2. Compile the picture.exp schema to produce data definitions, and parse information for the EXPRESS interpreter. These will be in picture.rose, picture_EXPX.rose respectively.
       % expfront -rose picture
  3. Compile the program and link against the SDAI and ROSE libraries.
       % cc -I$ROSE_INCLUDE create.c -L$ROSE_LIB -lsdai -lrose
  4. Run the program and look at the results with "rose cat"
       % a.out
       % rose cat tutorial1