ENTITY property_process

(* SCHEMA step_merged_ap_schema; *)
-- IN AP214/AP238 STEP-NC/AP242
ENTITY property_process
   SUBTYPE OF (action);
      identification : identifier;
      properties : SET [1:?] OF process_property_association FOR process;

Explicit Attributes

Entity property_process has the following local and inherited explicit attributes:
AttributeTypeDefined By
 namelabel (STRING)action
 descriptiontext (STRING)action
 chosen_methodaction_method (ENTITY)action
 identificationidentifier (STRING)property_process

Derived Attributes

Entity property_process has the following local and inherited derived attributes:
AttributeTypeDefined By
 ididentifier (STRING)action

Inverse Attributes

Entity property_process has the following local and inherited inverse attributes:
AttributeTypeDefined By
 propertiesSET OF process_property_association (ENTITY)property_process


Entity property_process inherits from the following supertypes:


    No subtypes

Referenced By

Entity property_process and its supertypes are referenced by the following definitions:
DefinitionTypeReferenced Entity
 action_assignment ENTITY action
 action_item SELECT action
 action_items SELECT action
 action_method_items SELECT action
 action_relationship ENTITY action
 action_request_item SELECT action
 approval_item SELECT action
 attribute_classification_item SELECT action
 attribute_language_item SELECT action
 change_management_object SELECT action
 characterized_action_definition SELECT action
 classification_item SELECT action
 contract_item SELECT action
 date_and_time_item SELECT action
 date_item SELECT action
 description_item SELECT action
 document_reference_item SELECT action
 effectivity_item SELECT action
 event_occurrence_item SELECT action
 identification_item SELECT action
 id_attribute_select SELECT action
 multi_language_attribute_item SELECT action
 organization_item SELECT action
 person_and_organization_item SELECT action
 presented_item_select SELECT action
 process_property_association ENTITY property_process
 project_item SELECT action
 restrict_action_resource_requirement_for_process_operation RULE action
 restrict_multi_language_for_action RULE action
 restrict_version_assignment_for_action RULE action
 security_classification_item SELECT action
 subtype_exclusiveness_action RULE action
 supported_item SELECT action
 time_interval_item SELECT action

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