ENTITY value_with_tolerance

(* SCHEMA ap238_arm_schema; *)
ENTITY value_with_tolerance
  SUBTYPE OF (value_with_unit);
  limitation : OPTIONAL limitation_select;
  significant_digits : OPTIONAL INTEGER;

Explicit Attributes

Entity value_with_tolerance has the following local and inherited explicit attributes:
AttributeTypeDefined By
 limitationlimitation_select (SELECT)value_with_tolerance

Derived Attributes

    No derived attributes

Inverse Attributes

    No Inverse Attributes


Entity value_with_tolerance inherits from the following supertypes:


Entity value_with_tolerance has the following subtypes:
* - Immediate Subtypes

Referenced By

Entity value_with_tolerance and its supertypes are referenced by the following definitions:
DefinitionTypeReferenced Entity
 dimension_value_select SELECT value_with_tolerance
 Geometric_tolerance ENTITY value_with_unit
 hardness ENTITY value_with_unit
 machine_axis_travel ENTITY value_with_unit
 machine_parameters ENTITY value_with_unit
 Projection ENTITY value_with_unit
 Target_circle ENTITY value_with_unit
 Target_rectangle ENTITY value_with_unit
 Target_straight_line ENTITY value_with_unit
 value_range ENTITY value_with_unit

[Top Level Definitions]

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