ENTITY tool_probing

(* SCHEMA ap238_arm_schema; *)
ENTITY tool_probing 	(* m1 *)
ABSTRACT SUPERTYPE OF (ONEOF (tool_length_probing, tool_radius_probing))
SUBTYPE OF (touch_probing);
offset:                     cartesian_point;
max_wear:                   length_measure;
its_tool:                   machining_tool;

Explicit Attributes

Entity tool_probing has the following local and inherited explicit attributes:
AttributeTypeDefined By
 its_ididentifier (STRING)executable
 its_secplaneelementary_surface (STRING)workingstep
 its_toolpathtoolpath_list (ENTITY)operation
 its_tool_directiontool_direction (ENTITY)operation
 measured_offsetnc_variable (ENTITY)touch_probing
 offsetcartesian_point (STRING)tool_probing
 max_wearlength_measure (ENTITY)tool_probing
 its_toolmachining_tool (ENTITY)tool_probing

Derived Attributes

    No derived attributes

Inverse Attributes

    No Inverse Attributes


Entity tool_probing inherits from the following supertypes:


Entity tool_probing has the following subtypes:
* - Immediate Subtypes

Referenced By

Entity tool_probing and its supertypes are referenced by the following definitions:
DefinitionTypeReferenced Entity
 executable ENTITY workingstep
 if_statement ENTITY executable
 last_modified_timestamp_item SELECT executable
 last_modified_timestamp_item SELECT operation
 non_sequential ENTITY executable
 operation ENTITY touch_probing
 parallel ENTITY executable
 security_classification_item SELECT executable
 security_classification_item SELECT operation
 selective ENTITY executable
 touch_probing ENTITY tool_probing
 while_statement ENTITY executable
 workingstep ENTITY touch_probing
 workplan ENTITY executable

[Top Level Definitions]

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