ENTITY IfcOrganization

(* SCHEMA IFC4; *)
ENTITY IfcOrganization;
	Identification : OPTIONAL IfcIdentifier;
	Name : IfcLabel;
	Description : OPTIONAL IfcText;
	Roles : OPTIONAL LIST [1:?] OF IfcActorRole;
	Addresses : OPTIONAL LIST [1:?] OF IfcAddress;
	IsRelatedBy : SET [0:?] OF IfcOrganizationRelationship FOR RelatedOrganizations;
	Relates : SET [0:?] OF IfcOrganizationRelationship FOR RelatingOrganization;
	Engages : SET [0:?] OF IfcPersonAndOrganization FOR TheOrganization;

Explicit Attributes

Entity IfcOrganization has the following local and inherited explicit attributes:
AttributeTypeDefined By
 IdentificationIfcIdentifier (STRING)IfcOrganization
 NameIfcLabel (STRING)IfcOrganization
 DescriptionIfcText (STRING)IfcOrganization
 RolesLIST OF IfcActorRole (ENTITY)IfcOrganization
 AddressesLIST OF IfcAddress (ENTITY)IfcOrganization

Derived Attributes

    No derived attributes

Inverse Attributes

Entity IfcOrganization has the following local and inherited inverse attributes:
AttributeTypeDefined By
 IsRelatedBySET OF IfcOrganizationRelationship (ENTITY)IfcOrganization
 RelatesSET OF IfcOrganizationRelationship (ENTITY)IfcOrganization
 EngagesSET OF IfcPersonAndOrganization (ENTITY)IfcOrganization


    No supertypes


    No subtypes

Referenced By

Entity IfcOrganization and its supertypes are referenced by the following definitions:
DefinitionTypeReferenced Entity
 IfcActorSelect SELECT IfcOrganization
 IfcAddress ENTITY IfcOrganization
 IfcApplication ENTITY IfcOrganization
 IfcObjectReferenceSelect SELECT IfcOrganization
 IfcOrganizationRelationship ENTITY IfcOrganization
 IfcPersonAndOrganization ENTITY IfcOrganization
 IfcResourceObjectSelect SELECT IfcOrganization

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