
The assembly splitter sample program can break a STEP assembly into a directory of separate part files, and can create a master file with an assembly structure with STEP external document references for each of the individual part files.

The source file for this program is in the splitasm.cxx file.

Command Line

Without any options, the splitasm tool breaks an assembly into a master file and a collection of part files. It writes each child product with geometry to a separate STEP file, and writes a master file containing the assembly structure, but with external document references in place of the geometry.

Other uses are possible, as described in the options below.

splitasm [options] <stpfile>...

The options are:

Print usage information and exit.
Export all products with geometry to separate part files. This is the default behavior.
Do not write the master file after exporting part files.
-o <dir>
Write all output files to directory <dir>. The directory will be created if it does not exist. The default is the current directory.
-p <name>
Only export the product named <name>. This option can be specified multiple times. This option works with products that are subassemblies as well as leaf part.
Export the top level subassemblies.
Recursively write files for all possible parts and subtrees. This duplicates data — the file for each subassembly contains a copy of each of its components. This does not create a master file.
