
The Tolerance class is used to create and manipulate tolerance data. Applications that can be implemented using the tolerance object include:

The Tolerance object uses the APT object to read and write data so any program that contains the tolerance object must also contain the APT object.

The Tolerance object combines CAD and CAM system data to enable new functionality on the CNC. CAM systems define a process for making a part that includes information, given either implicitly or explicitly, about which faces are being machined in each operation. CAD systems define tolerance constraints that are applied to faces in the part. The Tolerance object provided navigation functions that bridges the two information domains so that:


The following figure shows how the functions in the Tolerance object enable the functionality. In the figure a subset of the entities defined in the STEP-NC model are shown. These entities are the ones that provide the key functionality for the tolerance object. The functions that navigate between those entities are shown with an arrow in the direction of the navigation.

The datum entity defines one or more faces that are a reference point for a tolerance. See the AddTolerance functions for a description of how each tolerance uses its datums.

The Tolerance entity defines a constraint on the part being machined. A tolerance is applied to one or more faces. If a tolerance is geometric then it may have one or more datums.

A face entity defines a region on the surface of a part. Face is the key entity that is shared between the CAD and the CAM data.

A geometry entity defines a mathematical surface such as a plane, cylinder or b-spline. Measurements are made by comparing the mathematical definition of the surface with the definition that can be computed by measuring points on the surface.

A workingstep entity defines a machining operation that is applied to one or more faces. If there are errors in the tolerances applied to a face then it must have been caused by errors in the machining process defined by the workingstep.

A cutting tool is used by a workingstep to machine a feature on the part. If there are errors in the tolerances then those errors are most likely caused by wear on the cutting tools and geometric reasoning performed by an application or by the API can correct the tolerances by compensating for the wear.

A probing workingstep is a speial type of workingstep that uses a probe to touch a part. The difference between the expected value of the touch point and the actual value of the point can be used as the raw material for evaluating the faces, measuring the tolerances and compensating the tools.

The figure shows some of the functions in the Tolerance object. In the figure the functions that begin with Get define functionality that was put into the STEP-NC data model during its definition. The functions that begin with Navigate are value added provided by the Tolerance object. These functions were implicit in the STEP-NC model and they are defined explicitly in the API to enable the evaluation, measurement and compensation functionality.

Finding Tolerance Data

The following code segment shows how to find the tolerances in a workpiece and print out their type and current value. The program starts by using the APT object to read a STEP geometry file into the workpiece. The program then finds the number of tolerances and loops over each tolerance printing its value for a geometric tolerance and a surface texture parameter, or its lower and upper limits for a size dimension and location dimension.

apt->Workpiece (example.stp);
int wp_id = apt->GetCurrentWorkpiece ();
int count = tol->GetWorkpieceToleranceCount (wp_id);
printf (Tolerance count is %d\n, count);
double value, lower, upper;

for (int i = 0; i < count; i++) {
   int tol_id = tol->GetWorkpieceToleranceNext (wp_id, i);
   CString type = tol->GetToleranceType (tol_id);
   value = tol->GetToleranceValue (tol_id);

   if (tol->IsSizeDimension (tol_id) ||
tol->IsLocationDimension (tol_id)) {
      tol->GetTolerancePlusMinus (tol_id, &lower, &upper);
	 printf (lower = %f, upper = %f, type = %s\n, 
value + lower, value + upper, type);
   else if (tol->IsGeometricTolerance(tol_id) || 
tol->IsSurfaceTextureParameter (tol_id)) {
	    printf (value = %f, type = %s\n, value, type);

There are four types of tolerances in STEP. Geometric tolerances such as flatness define a tolerance value. Size dimension tolerances such as Diameter_size_dimension define a dimension wth an upper and lower bound. Location dimension tolerances define a distance between two items also using an upper and lower bound. Surface texture parameter tolerances define the allowed properties for a surface using a tolerance value. You can argue that only Geometric Tolerances are real tolerances but all four types count as tolerances within the context of the functionality of the Tolerance object.

The figure below lists the types of tolerances allowed in each category.

Finding Toleranced Surfaces

Each tolerance is applied to one or more surfaces. The following program shows how to find these toleranced surfaces. It also prints out the geometric type of each surface. In this example the data is read from an AP-238 file and all of the geometry models in that file are searched including the workpieces, rawpieces, fixtures and cutting tools.

apt->Open238 (example.238);
int count = tol->GetToleranceAllCount ();
printf (Tolerance count is %d\n, count);
for (int i = 0; i < count; i++) {
   int tol_id = tol->GetToleranceAllNext (i);
   int count2 = tol->GetToleranceFaceCount (tol_id);
   printf (Face count for tol at id %d is %d\n\t, 
			tol_id, count2);
   for (int j = 0; j < count2; j++) {
      int fid = tol->GetToleranceFaceNext (tol_id, j);
	 CString type = tol->GetFaceGeometryType (fid);
      printf (%s , face_type);
   printf (\n);

Location dimension tolerances have both a source and target set of faces. The GetToleranceFaceCount/Next functions return both sets of faces. If your program needs to be more specific then use the GetToleranceOriginFaceCount/Next and GetToleranceTargetFaceCount/Next functions.

The faces in a tolerance are important for many reasons. When a tolerance is tested using a guage or probes the testing is implemented by measuring the surfaces of the faces. When tolerances are corrected by changing tool compensations, the tool to be corrected is found by comparing the faces in the tolerance with the faces in the features being machined by the tool.

Finding Datums of Geometric Tolerances

The datum of a tolerance defines reference geometry that is used in the measurement of the tolerance. The following program lists out the datums of each tolerance on the fixture. The GetCurrentFixture function of the APT object is used to get the identity of the fixture. Only geometric tolerances have datums. If one of the other kinds of tolerances is used as the argument for the GetToleranceDatumCount then the result returned will be 0.

apt->Open238 (example.238);
int wp_id = apt->GetCurrentFixture ();
int count = tol->GetWorkpieceToleranceCount (wp_id);
printf (Tolerance count is %d\n, count);
for (int i = 0; i < count; i++) {
   int td = tol->GetWorkpieceToleranceNext (wp_id, i);
   int count2 = tol->GetToleranceDatumCount (tol_id);
   printf (Datum count for tol at id %d is %d\n\t,
tol_id, count2);
   for (int j = 0; j < count2; j++) {
      CString l = tol->GetToleranceDatumNextLabel (td, j);
      printf ((%s), l);
   printf (\n);

Datums also have a set of one or more faces. You can get the faces of a datum using the GetDatumFaceCount/Next functions. These functions require a datum_id which is delivered by the GetToleranceDatumNext function.

Defining Tolerances

STEP data containing tolerances is not yet widely available from CAD vendors. Therefore, many applications will need to create their own tolerances. This can be done using the user interface of the STEP-NC Explorer or using the AddToleranceXXX functions of the API which are also used by the Explorer.

Some of the AddTolerance functions require datum’s. The following code fragment uses the GetFaceXXX functions to define faces for three datums and then creates a position tolerance of value 0.1 that uses the three datums. The last parameter of the AddTolerancePosition function names the three datums. This function and all of the other functions to make geometric tolerances assume the datums will be given by names that consist of a single letter. If this condition cannot be met then the datums must added individually using the AddDatumToTolerance function. The C datum has the Maximum Material Condition modifier set.

tol->AddDatum (A, tol->GetFaceTop());
tol->AddDatum (B, tol->GetFaceLeft());
tol->AddDatumMax (C, tol->GetFaceFront());
tol->AddTolerancePosition (tol->GetFaceBottom (), 0.1, ABC);

The next code fragment builds a diameter size tolerance. The code finds all the cylinders in the file and applies the same tolerance to every cylinder which may not be very realistic. Size dimension tolerances do not require datum’s.

int count = tol->GetFaceAllCount ();
printf (File contains %d faces\n, count);
for (int i = 0; i < count; i++) {
   int fid = tol->GetFaceAllNext (i);
   CString type = tol->GetFaceGeometryType (fid);
   if (type == cylindrical_surface) {
      int gid = tol->GetFaceMeasureGeometry (fid);
	 double rad = tol->GetMeasureGeometryRadius (gid);
	 tol->AddToleranceSizeDiameter (fid, 2 * rad, 0.01, -0.005);

Our last code fragment for this section creates a linear distance tolerance. This code illustrates how to create a tolerance with origin and target faces. It also shows how to create a tolerance that applies to multiple faces using a Callout. A Callout is a collection of faces on a workpiece. Every tolerance is applied to a Callout but most callout’s only contain one face so the callout is created implicitly by the functions. In this code we use the AddFaceToCalloutAdd function to add a second face to the Callout created for the origin. Location dimension tolerances also do not require datums.

int origin = tol->GetFaceTop();
tol->AddFaceToCalloutAdd (source, tol->GetFaceLeft ());
int target = tol->GetFaceFront ();
tol->AddToleranceDistanceLinear (origin, target, 10, 0.01, -0.02);

Defining Probing Operations

Probes are an on machine device to test the location of a point. By defining a probing operation a program can determine the difference between the actual and predicted location of the point and use the difference to determine the accuracy of a tolerance.

The following progam fragement defines a profile tolerance for every b_spline surface in the workpiece and then picks twenty points on each surface for probing. The probing operations are put into a nested workplan and each of these workplans is added to the start of the main workplan.

int wp_id = apt->GetCurrentWorkpiece ();
int plan_id = apt->GetCurrentWorkplan ();
int count = tol->GetWorkpieceFaceCount (wp_id);
printf (File contains %d faces in piece at %d\n, 
count, wp_id);
for (int i = 0; i < count; i++) {
   int fid = tol->GetWorkpieceFaceNext (wp_id, i);
   CString type = tol->GetFaceGeometryType (fid);
   if (type == b_spline_surface_with_knots) {
      tol->AddToleranceSurfaceProfile (face_id, 0.1, );
      tol->PlanBSplineProbing (plan_id, -1, test, face_id, 4, 5);


After a tolerance has been evaluated its measured value can be set using the PutToleranceMeasuredValue () function. The following code fragment illustrates by setting the current value of all of the tolerances defined for the workpiece to 5% more than their programmed value.

In general measuring tolerances can be quite complex. Depending on the type of the tolerance, and the type of the faces constrained by the tolerance, there may be a special type of device that can measure that tolerance (for example a circular_runout tolerance is measured by a special device), or there may be an algorithm that can compute a measured value for the tolerance by comparing the expected geometry of the faces with the actual geometry evaluated from the measurements made by touch probing.

int count = tol->GetWorkpieceToleranceCount (wp_id);
printf (Workpiece contains %d tolerances\n, count);
for (int i = 0; i < count; i++) {
   int tol_id = tol->GetWorkpieceToleranceNext (wp_id, i);
   double value = tol->GetToleranceValue (tol_id);
   tol->PutToleranceMeasuredValue (tol_id, value * 1.05);

Defining the Faces Machined by a Tool

Tool compensations are computed by finding the faces machinined by the tool and comparing them with the faces measured by a tolerance.

If the raw STEP-NC data created by combining STEP geometery with APT-CL files does NOT include a description of the faces being machined by each tool then this must be added. There are three methods for doing this in the STEP-NC API.

apt->Open238 (example.238);
find->Open238 (example.238);
int wp_id = find->GetMainWorkplan ();
int size = find->GetNestedExecutableCount (wp_id);
for (int i = 0; i < size; i++) {
   int exe_id = find->GetNestedExecutableNext (wp_id, i);
   printf (i = %d, ws = %s\n, i, find->GetExecutableName (exe_id));
   if (find->IsWorkingstep (exe_id))
      tol->AddFacesWithinThresholdToWorkingstep (exe_id, 1.01);

Values are very rarely exact in CNC machining so the parameter 1.01 of the function defines a fudge factor that allowsa face to be found if the gap distance between the tool and the face is within 1% of the diameter of the tool.

Finding the Faces Machined by a Tool

After faces have been assigned to the workingsteps, several new navigation paths become available. In particular from a face we can find both the tools responsible for machining that face using the NavigateFaceToToolCount/Next functions, and the tolerances that constrain a face using the NavigateFaceToToleranceCount/Next functions.

The following code illustrates by iterating over all of the faces in a workpiece and listing the tools and tolerances that apply to each face.

int count = tol->GetWorkpieceFaceCount (wp_id);
for (i = 0; i < count; i++) {
   int fid = tol->GetWorkpieceFaceNext (wp_id, i);
   int size = tol->NavigateFaceToToolCount (face_id);
   for (int j = 0; j < size; j++) {
      int tool_id = tol->NavigateFaceToToolNext (fid, j);
	 printf (Face at '%d' is machined by Tool at '%d'\n, fid, tool_id);
   size = tol->NavigateFaceToToleranceCount (face_id);
   for (j = 0; j < size; j++) {
      int tid = tol->NavigateFaceToToleranceNext (fid, j);
	 printf (Face at '%d' is belongs to Tol at '%d'\n, fid, tid);

Finding the Tolerances Machined by a Tool

The connection between tools and tolerances enabled by their common faces allows other navigation functions to be implemented such as NavigateToleranceToToolCount/Next and NavigateToolToToleranceCount/Next. These functions combine the functionality of the navigation functions shown in the figure found in the Overview and have the added advantage of removing duplicates from the result.

The following function illustrates by finding the tool(s) responsible for machining each tolerance in a STEP-NC file.

int count = tol->GetToleranceAllCount ();
for (int j = 0; j < count; j++) {
   int tol_id = tol->GetToleranceAllNext (j);
   int size = tol->NavigateToleranceToToolCount (tol_id);
   for (int j = 0; j < size; j++) {
      int tool_id = tol->NavigateToleranceToToolNext (tol_id, j);
	 printf (Tolerance '%d' is machined by Tool'%d'\n, tol_id, tool_id);

If only one tool is responsible for machining a tolerance then obviously that tool is the one that must be compensated to correct the tolerance.

Tolerance Flags for Extra Parameters

Geometric tolerances can contain a variety of extra parameters that must be announced at creation time. The values can be set later.

The tolerance creation functions have a simple version that creates a basic tolerance, and a "WithFlags" version that takes a bit flag is assembled from the "WITH_" values below.

For tolerances that have one or more modifiers associated with them. Modifiers are added with AddModifierToTolerance()
For tolerances that have a maximum value. Set the value with PutToleranceMax(). Test whether the value is supported and retrieve it using GetToleranceMax(). A maximum value is associated with Ⓜ or Ⓛ. This implies WITH_MODS
For unit-basis tolerances that can only vary by the given amount over a given length. Set the distance value with PutToleranceDefinedUnit(). Test whether the value is supported and retrieve it using GetToleranceDefinedUnit().
For unit-basis tolerances that can only vary by the given amount over a two dimensional area unit. This implies WITH_DEFINED_UNIT. Set the dimensions and shape with PutToleranceDefinedAreaUnit(). Test whether the value is supported and retrieve it using GetToleranceDefinedAreaUnit().
For tolerances that will have an unequally disposed value Ⓤ Set the displacement value with PutToleranceUnequal(). Test whether the value is supported and retrieve it using GetToleranceUnequal().
This is not used. For old-style AP214 tolerances with a single modifier.
This is not normally used. The tolerance creation functions will add this flag automatically if you specify a set of datums "ABC" when creating a tolerance.

Use these flags when calling AddToleranceAngularityWithFlags(), AddToleranceCircularRunoutWithFlags(), etc. See AddToleranceWithFlags() for a more general function with additional flags for the geometric type of the tolerance.

Int64 callout_id;
Int64 tol_id = tol->AddTolerancePositionWithFlags(
    callout_id, 0.01, ABC, WITH_MODS + WITH_DEFINED_AREA

// add a square 0.02 X 0.02 defined area unit
    tol_id, 0.02, 0.02, square

// add maximum material condition modifier to the tolerance
    tol_id, maximum_material_requirement

// Create another tolerance with max and unequal disposition.
// The MAX flag implies WITH_MODS.
tol_id = tol->AddTolerancePositionWithFlags(
    callout_id, 0.01, ABC, WITH_MAX + WITH_UNEQUAL

// add a maximum tolerance value and MMC modifier
tol->PutToleranceMax( tol_id, 0.05 );
tol->AddToleranceModifier( tol_id, maximum_material_requirement );
tol->AddToleranceUnequal( tol_id, 0.007 );


System::Int64 AddDatum(
	System::String^ label,
	System::Int64 face_id

The AddDatum() function creates a new datum with the given label and returns the id of the new object.


The name of the datum. Other functionality in the API will work best if this label is a single letter.
The identity of a face to be used in the datum.

Related Functions

Common Errors


System::Int64 AddDatumSystem(
	System::Int64 wp_id
	System::String^ datums,

The AddDatumSystem() function creates a new datum system and associates it with the given workpiece. Many but not all tolerances use a datum system to establish a coordinate system for making measurements. This function creates a datum system that can be shared by all the tolerances that need the same system.

Datum systems can be created explicitly using this function or implicitly by giving a list of datums to one of the AddTolerance functions.

Two datum systems are equivalent if they have the same datums, with the same modifiers, in the same order. Duplicates are not allowed and they can be eliminates using the DatumSystemRemoveDuplicate function when all the systems in a design have been completed.

The datum system is established by giving a list of datums in the string argument. For example "ADF" defines a datum system with three datums. The datums in a system can be changed using the AddDatumToTolerance functions. Modifiers can be added to the datums using the AddModiferToDatumTolerance functions. Both sets of functions can be given a tolerance or a datum system as an argument. All of the tolerances that share the datum system will be impacted.


The identity of the workpiece that is to be associated with this datum.
A list of characters identifying the datums. All of the datums must be on the associated workpiece. If a datum is on anther workpiece then it can be added later using the AddDatumToTolerance functions.

Related Functions

Common Errors


System::Int64 AddDatumTarget(
	System::String^ label,
	System::Int64 target_id

The AddDatumTarget() function creates a new target datum with the given label and returns the identity of the new datum.


The name of the datum. Other functionality in the API will work best if this label is a single letter.
The identity of a target to be used in the datum.

Related Functions

Common Errors


void AddDatumToTolerance(
	System::Int64 tol_id_or_sys_id,
	System::Int64 dat_id,
void AddDatumToTolerance(
	System::Int64 tol_id_or_sys_id,
	System::String^ label,

The AddDatumToTolerance() function adds a datum to a tolerance. (Note: In AP242 the precedence of a datum is determined by its position in a list which corresponds to the order in which it was added.) The function can also be used to add a datum to a datum system.


The identity of the tolerance that is have the datum.
The identity of a datum system. Many tolerances may be defined on the same datum system.
The identity of the datum.
The datum label.

Related Functions

Common Errors


void AddDatumToToleranceRemove(
	System::Int64 tol_id_or_sys_id,
	System::Int64 dat_id

The AddDatumToToleranceRemove() function deletes a datum from a tolerance or datum system. Many tolerances may share the same datum system and in this case they will all be changed.


The identity of the tolerance.
The identity of the datum system.
The identity of the datum.

Related Functions

Common Errors


void AddDatumToToleranceRemoveAll(
	System::Int64 tol_id_or_sys_id

The AddDatumToToleranceRemoveAll() function removes all the datums from a tolerance or datum system. Many tolerances may share the same datum system and in this case they will all be changed.


The identity of the tolerance.
The identity of the datum system.

Related Functions

Common Errors


void AddFaceToCalloutAdd(
	System::Int64 id,
	System::Int64 face_id

The AddFaceToCalloutAdd() function adds an item to a callout. The item can be any kind of geometric representation item, but is most commonly an advanced face. The callout can be a datum, a tolerance or a feature. The callout is most commonly identified by giving the identity of a face already in the callout.


The identity of a workingstep, tolerance, datum or face. If a face or other item is given then the system will look for a callout containing the face or make a new callout.
The geometric representation item to be added to the callout.

Related Functions

Common Errors


void AddFaceToCalloutAddOrigin(
	System::Int64 loc_id,
	System::Int64 face_id

The AddFaceToCalloutAddOrigin() function adds a face or other type of geometric representation item to a callout. The callout must be the origin of a dimension. The callout is most commonly identified by giving the identity of a face already in the callout.


The identity of a dimension that has an origin.
The geometric item to be added to the callout.

Related Functions

Common Errors


void AddFaceToCalloutAddTarget(
	System::Int64 loc_id,
	System::Int64 face_id

The AddFaceToCalloutAddTarget() function adds a face or other type of geometric representation item to a callout. The callout must be the target of a dimension. The callout is most commonly identified by giving the identity of a face already in the callout.


The identity of a dimension that has a target.
The face or other type of item to be added to the callout.

Related Functions

Common Errors


void AddFaceToCalloutRemove(
	System::Int64 id,
	System::Int64 face_id

The AddFaceToCalloutRemove() function removes a face or other item from a callout. The callout can be a datum, a tolerance or a feature. The callout is most commonly identified by giving the identity of a face already in that callout.


The identity of a workingstep, tolerance, datum or item. If an item is given then the system will look for a callout containing the item.
The item to be removed from the callout.

Related Functions

Common Errors


void AddFaceToCalloutRemoveAll(
	System::Int64 id

The AddFaceToCalloutRemoveAll() function removes all the items from a callout. The callout can be a datum, a tolerance or a feature.


The identity of a workingstep, feature, tolerance or datum.

Related Functions

Common Errors


void AddFaceToCalloutRemoveAllOrigin(
	System::Int64 loc_id

The AddFaceToCalloutRemoveAllOrigin() function removes all the items from a callout. The callout must be the orogin of a dimension.


The identity of a dimension with an origin.

Related Functions

Common Errors


void AddFaceToCalloutRemoveAllTarget(
	System::Int64 loc_id

The AddFaceToCalloutRemoveAllTarget() function removes all the items from a callout. The callout must be the target of a dimension.


The identity of a dimension with a target.

Related Functions

Common Errors


void AddFaceToCalloutRemoveOrigin(
	System::Int64 loc_id,
	System::Int64 face_id

The AddFaceToCalloutRemoveOrigin() function removes an item from a callout. The callout must be the target of a dimension.


The identity of a dimension with a target.
The item to be removed from the callout.

Related Functions

Common Errors


void AddFaceToCalloutRemoveTarget(
	System::Int64 loc_id,
	System::Int64 face_id

The AddFaceToCalloutRemoveTarget() function removes an item from a callout. The callout must be the target of a dimension.


The identityof a dimension with a target.
The item to be removed from the callout.

Related Functions

Common Errors


void AddFacesWithinThresholdToWorkingstep(
	System::Int64 ws_id,
	double fudge_factor

The AddFacesWithinThresholdToWorkingstep() function uses the tool paths in a working step to determine which faces should be added to the process feature in that workingstep.


The identity of the workingstep.
A percentage to be applied to the tool diameter to allow for the selection of faces that are not quite touching the tool. The default is 1.01 or 1%. This default will be used if the given fudge_factor is zero or less than zero.

Related Functions

Common Errors


void AddModifierToDatumTolerance(
	System::Int64 tol_id_or_sys_id,
	System::Int64 dat_id,
	System::String^ modifier
void AddModifierToDatumTolerance(
	System::Int64 tol_id,
	System::String^ datum_label,
	System::String^ modifier

The AddModifierToDatumTolerance() function adds a modifier to a datum of a tolerance. The datum_label version of the function searches for the datum on the workpiece of the tolerance so this version requires the first argument to be the identifier.

The dat_id version of the function allow the datum to be on any workpiece. This function can be applied to datum systems as well as tolerances. Many tolerances may share the same datum system so a change will impact them all.


The identity of the tolerance that is have the modified datum.
The identity of the datum system that is have the modifed datum.
The identity of the datum that is to have the modifier.
The lable the datum that is to have the modifier.
The new modifier, specified as one of the strings listed below.

The modifiers are specified using the following names:

Related Functions

Common Errors


void AddModifierToDatumToleranceRemove(
	System::Int64 tol_id_or_sys_id,
	System::Int64 dat_id,
	System::String^ modifier

The AddModifierToDatumToleranceRemove() function removes a modifier to a datum of a tolerance or a datum system.


The identity of the tolerance that is to have the modifier removed.
The identity of the datum system that is to have the modifier removed.
The identity of the datum that is to have the modifier removed.
The modifier.

Common Errors


void AddModifierToDatumToleranceRemoveAll(
	System::Int64 tol_id_or_sys_id,
	System::Int64 dat_id

The AddModifierToDatumToleranceRemoveAll() function removes all the modifier on a datum in a tolerance or datum system.


The identity of the tolerance that is have the datum modifiers removed.
The identity of the datum system that is to have the datum modifiers removed.
The identity of the datum that is to have all its modifiers removed.

Common Errors


void AddModifierToTolerance(
	System::Int64 tol_id,
	System::String^ modifier

The AddModifierToTolerance() function adds an additional modifier to a tolerance that has modifiers. Only modifiers without parameters can be added to a tolerance, although the STEP standard also allows several with numeric parameters. These modifiers are listed below. Contact us if this is an issue for your application.

The modifiers are specified using the following names:


The identity of the tolerance that is have the datum.
The string name for the modifier, as shown in the list above.

Related Functions

Common Errors


void AddModifierToToleranceRemove(
	System::Int64 tol_id,
	System::String^ modifier

The AddModifierToToleranceRemove() function removes the modifier from a tolerance


The identity of the tolerance that is have the datum.
The modifier.

Common Errors


void AddModifierToToleranceRemoveAll(
	System::Int64 tol_id

The AddModifierToTolerance() function removes all the modifiers from a tolerance.


The identity of the tolerance that is have the datum.

Common Errors


System::Int64 AddSurfaceTextureParameter(
	System::Int64 face_id,
	System::String^ parameter_name,
	double value,
	System::String^ measuring_method

The AddSurfaceTextureParameter() function creates a new surface texture parameter. See the GetSurfaceTextureParameter functions for a description of the parameters. This function adds the new parameter to the current workpiece. If the parameter needs to be added to a different type of workpiece such as the rawpiece, fixture or cutting tool then it should be imported and exported as the workpiece using the APT functionality and then imported as the required type of workpiece.


The identity of a face, workingstep, tolerance, datum or feaure. If a face is given then the system will look for a callout containing the face or make a new callout.
The name of the parameter e.g. Ra see GetSurfaceTextureParameterName for a description of the allowed names.
The value of the texture. The unit will be micoinches if the APT object is currently in inch mode and micrometers if the APT object is currently in millimeter mode.
The ISO standard that defines the measurement method e.g. ISO 2487 see the GetSurfaceParameterMeasurementMethod function for a description of the allowed measurement methods.

Related Functions

Common Errors


System::Int64 AddTargetCircle(
	System::Int64 wp_id,
	double diameter,
	double x,
	double y,
	double z,
	double i,
	double j,
	double k

The AddTargetCircle() function creates a circlular target for a datum and returns the target_id of the new target point.


The workpiece containing the datum
x, y, z
The coordinates of the center
i, j, k
The axis of the center
The diameter of the circle

Related Functions

Common Errors


System::Int64 AddTargetPoint(
	System::Int64 wp_id,
	double x,
	double y,
	double z

The AddTargetPoint() function creates a point target for a datum and returns the target_id of the new target point.


The workpiece containing the datum
x, y, z
The coordinates of the point

Related Functions

Common Errors


System::Int64 AddTargetRectangle(
	System::Int64 wp_id,
	double length,
	double width,
	double x,
	double y,
	double z,
	double i,
	double j,
	double k,
	double a,
	double b,
	double c

The AddTargetRectangle() function creates a rectangular target for a datum and returns the target_id of the new target point.


The workpiece containing the datum
x, y, z
The coordinates of the center
i, j, k
The axis of the center
a, b, c
The rotation around the center
The length of the rectangle
The width of the rectangle

Related Functions

Common Errors


System::Int64 AddTargetStraightLine(
	System::Int64 wp_id,
	double length,
	double x,
	double y,
	double z,
	double i,
	double j,
	double k

The AddTargetStraightLine() function creates a straight line target for a datum and returns the target_id of the new target point.


The workpiece containing the datum
x, y, z
The coordinates of the point
i, j, k
The direction of the line
The length of the line

Related Functions

Common Errors


void AddTargetToDatumAdd(
	System::Int64 dat_id,
	System::Int64 target_id

The AddTargetToDatumAdd() function adds a target to a datum.


The identity of a target datim.
The target to be added to the datum.

Related Functions

Common Errors


void AddTargetToDatumRemove(
	System::Int64 dat_id,
	System::Int64 target_id

The AddTargetToDatumRemove() function removes a target from a datum.


The identity of a target datum.
The target to be removed from the datum.

Related Functions

Common Errors


void AddTargetToDatumRemoveAll(
	System::Int64 dat_id

The AddTargetToDatumRemoveAll() function removes all the targets from a datum.


The identity of a target datum

Related Functions

Common Errors


System::Int64 AddToleranceAngularity[WithFlags](
	System::Int64 fea_id,
	double value,
	System::String^ datums,
	[System::Int64 flags]

System::Int64 AddToleranceAngularity[WithFlags](
	System::Int64 fea_id,
	System::Int64 sys_id,
	double value,
	[System::Int64 flags]

The AddToleranceAngularity() function creates a new angularity tolerance as shown in the figure below, and returns the identity of the new tolerance. The size of the angle (25 degree’s) in the example below is computed by examining the underlying geometry in the toleranced face and the datum. The tolerance describes the range in which the toleranced face must exist if the part is to be considered correct.


The identity of the face (or callout) to be toleranced.
The identity of the datum system that defines the tolerance. Use this argument or the datums argument but not both.
The size of the tolerance zone (0.08 in above figure)
A list of datums given as a string (A in the above figure). Each datum name must be given as a single letter and must correspond to the name of a datum in the model
When using the WithFlags version, this is a bit flag to declare that the tolerance has modifiers or other extra parameters

Related Functions

Common Errors


System::Int64 AddToleranceCircularRunout[WithFlags](
	System::Int64 fea_id,
	double value,
	System::String^ datums,
	[System::Int64 flags]

System::Int64 AddToleranceCircularRunout[WithFlags](
	System::Int64 fea_id,
	System::Int64 sys_id,
	double value,
	[System::Int64 flags]

The AddToleranceCircularRunout() function creates a new circular runout tolerance as shown in the figure below and returns the identity of the new tolerance. The tolerance zone defines a maximum and minimum range for the path of the circle created by rotating the feature.


The identity of the face (or callout) to be toleranced
The identity of the datum system that defines the tolerance. Use this argument or the datums argument but not both.
The size of the tolerance zone (0.08 in above figure)
A list of datums given as a string (AB in the above figure). Each datum name must be given as a single letter and must correspond to the name of a datum in the model
When using the WithFlags version, this is a bit flag to declare that the tolerance has modifiers or other extra parameters

Related Functions

Common Errors


System::Int64 AddToleranceCoaxiality[WithFlags](
	System::Int64 fea_id,
	double value,
	System::String^ datums,
	[System::Int64 flags]

System::Int64 AddToleranceCoaxiality[WithFlags](
	System::Int64 fea_id,
	System::Int64 sys_id,
	double value,
	[System::Int64 flags]

The AddToleranceCoaxiality() function creates a new coaxality tolerance as shown in the figure below and returns the identity of the new tolerance. The tolerance zone defines a cylinder that must contain the axis of the circle.


The identity of the face (or callout) to be toleranced.
The identity of the datum system that defines the tolerance. Use this argument or the datums argument but not both.
The diameter of the tolerance zone
A list of datums given as a string (A in the above figure). Each datum name must be given as a single letter and must correspond to the name of a datum in the model
When using the WithFlags version, this is a bit flag to declare that the tolerance has modifiers or other extra parameters

Related Functions

Common Errors


System::Int64 AddToleranceConcentricity[WithFlags](
	System::Int64 fea_id,
	double value,
	System::String^ datums,
	[System::Int64 flags]

System::Int64 AddToleranceConcentricity[WithFlags](
	System::Int64 fea_id,
	System::Int64 sys_id,
	double value,
	[System::Int64 flags]

The AddToleranceConcentricity() function creates a new concentricity tolerance as in the figure below and returns the identity of the new tolerance. The tolerance zone defines a ball where the center of two spheres must coincide or a cylinder for the common axis of one or more surfaces of revolution.


The identity of the face (or callout) to be toleranced
The identity of the datum system that defines the tolerance. Use this argument or the datums argument but not both.
The size of the tolerance zone (0.08 in above figure)
A list of datums given as a string (AB in the above figure). Each datum name must be given as a single letter and must correspond to the name of a datum in the model
When using the WithFlags version, this is a bit flag to declare that the tolerance has modifiers or other extra parameters

Related Functions

Common Errors


System::Int64 AddToleranceCylindricity[WithFlags](
	System::Int64 fea_id,
	double value,
	[System::Int64 flags]

The AddToleranceCylindricity() function creates a new cylindricity tolerance as in the figure below and returns the identity of the new tolerance. The tolerance zone defines an inner and outer cylinder for all points on the cylindrical face. Note: no datums.


The identity of the face (or callout) to be toleranced
The size of the tolerance zone defined as the difference in radius between the inner and out cylinders
When using the WithFlags version, this is a bit flag to declare that the tolerance has modifiers or other extra parameters

Related Functions

Common Errors


System::Int64 AddToleranceDistanceAngularLocation(
	System::Int64 fea1_id,
	System::Int64 fea2_id,
	double value,
	double plus,
	double minus

The AddToleranceDistanceAngularLocation() function creates a new tolerance describing an angle between a source and target. Distance tolerances defined a value with a plus and minus range. Note: no datums.


The identity of the source face or callout to be toleranced.
The identity of the target face or callout to be toleranced.
The defined value of the tolerance.
delta The upper value allowed for the tolerance given as a delta for the defined value.
delta The lower value allowed for the tolerance (value given should normally be negative) also given as a delta.

Related Functions

Common Errors


System::Int64 AddToleranceDistanceCurved(
	System::Int64 fea1_id,
	System::Int64 fea2_id,
	double value,
	double plus,
	double minus

The AddToleranceDistanceCurved() function creates a new tolerance describing a curved distance between a source and target. Distance tolerances defined a value with a plus and minus range. Note: no datums.


The identity of the source face to be toleranced.
The identity of the target face to be toleranced.
The defined value of the tolerance.
delta The upper value allowed for the tolerance given as a delta for the defined value.
delta The lower value allowed for the tolerance (value given should normally be negative) also given as a delta.

Related Functions

Common Errors


System::Int64 AddToleranceDistanceLinear(
	System::Int64 fea1_id,
	System::Int64 fea2_id,
	double value,
	double plus,
	double minus

The AddToleranceDistanceLinear() function creates a new tolerance describing a linear distance between a source and target. Distance tolerances defined a value with a plus and minus range. Note: no datums.


The identity of the source face to be toleranced.
The identity of the target face to be toleranced.
The defined value of the tolerance.
delta: The upper value allowed for the tolerance given as a delta for the defined value.
delta: The lower value allowed for the tolerance (value given should normally be negative) also given as a delta.

Related Functions

Common Errors


System::Int64 AddToleranceFlatness[WithFlags](
	System::Int64 fea_id,
	double value,
	[System::Int64 flags]

The AddToleranceFlatness() function creates a new tolerance describing a flatness constraint on a surface. All points on the surface should be between two parallel lines that are the given distance apart. Note: no datums.


The identity of the face (or callout) to be toleranced.
The size of the tolerance zone defined as the difference between two planes parallel to the surface.
When using the WithFlags version, this is a bit flag to declare that the tolerance has modifiers or other extra parameters

Related Functions

Common Errors


System::Int64 AddToleranceLineProfile[WithFlags](
	System::Int64 fea_id,
	double value,
	System::String^ datums,
	[System::Int64 flags]

System::Int64 AddToleranceLineProfile[WithFlags](
	System::Int64 fea_id,
	System::Int64 sys_id,
	double value,
	[System::Int64 flags]

The AddToleranceLineProfile() function creates a new line profile tolerance as in the figure below and returns the identity of the new tolerance. The tolerance zone defines a two dimensional zone for the profile.


The identity of the face (or callout) to be toleranced.
The identity of the datum system that defines the tolerance. Use this argument or the datums argument but not both.
The size of the tolerance zone (0.08 in above figure)
A list of datums given as a string (AB in the above figure). Each datum name must be given as a single letter and must correspond to the name of a datum in the model.
When using the WithFlags version, this is a bit flag to declare that the tolerance has modifiers or other extra parameters

Related Functions

Common Errors


System::Int64 AddToleranceParallelism[WithFlags](
	System::Int64 fea_id,
	double value,
	System::String^ datums,
	[System::Int64 flags]

System::Int64 AddToleranceParallelism[WithFlags](
	System::Int64 fea_id,
	System::Int64 sys_id,
	double value,
	[System::Int64 flags]

The AddToleranceParallelism() function creates a new parallelism tolerance as in the figure below and returns the identity of the new tolerance. The tolerance zone defines a two parallel planes in which all of the points of the surface must lie.


The identity of the face (or callout) to be toleranced.
The identity of datum system that defines the tolerance. Use this argument or the datums argument but not both.
The size of the tolerance zone (0.02 in above figure)
A list of datums given as a string (A in the above figure). Each datum name must be given as a single letter and must correspond to the name of a datum in the model.
When using the WithFlags version, this is a bit flag to declare that the tolerance has modifiers or other extra parameters

Related Functions

Common Errors


System::Int64 AddTolerancePerpendicularity[WithFlags](
	System::Int64 fea_id,
	double value,
	System::String^ datums,
	[System::Int64 flags]

System::Int64 AddTolerancePerpendicularity[WithFlags](
	System::Int64 fea_id,
	System::Int64 sys_id,
	double value,
	[System::Int64 flags]

The AddTolerancePerpendicularity() function creates a new perpendicularity tolerance as shown in the figure below and returns the identity of the new tolerance. The tolerance zone defines a two parallel planes in which all of the points of the surface must lie.


The identity of the face (or callout) to be toleranced.
The identity of the datum system that defines the tolerance. Give this argument or the datums argument but not both.
The size of the tolerance zone (0.02 in above figure)
A list of datums given as a string (A in the above figure). Each datum name must be given as a single letter and must correspond to the name of a datum in the model.
When using the WithFlags version, this is a bit flag to declare that the tolerance has modifiers or other extra parameters

Related Functions

Common Errors


System::Int64 AddTolerancePosition[WithFlags](
	System::Int64 fea_id,
	double value,
	System::String^ datums,
	[System::Int64 flags]

System::Int64 AddTolerancePosition[WithFlags](
	System::Int64 fea_id,
	System::Int64 sys_id,
	double value,
	[System::Int64 flags]

The AddTolerancePosition() function creates a new position tolerance as in the figure below and returns the identity of the new tolerance. The position of the toleranced item must lie within the tolerance zone sphere defined by the tolerance value.


The identity of the face (or callout) to be toleranced.
The identity of the datum system that defines the tolerance. Give this argument or the datums but not both.
The size of the tolerance zone (0.08 in above figure)
A list of datums given as a string (ABC in the above figure). Each datum name must be given as a single letter and must correspond to the name of a datum in the model.
When using the WithFlags version, this is a bit flag to declare that the tolerance has modifiers or other extra parameters

Related Functions

Common Errors


System::Int64 AddToleranceRoundness(
	System::Int64 fea_id,
	double value,
	[System::Int64 flags]

The AddToleranceRoundness() function creates a new roundness tolerance as in the figure below and returns the identity of the new tolerance. For a sphere the roundness applies to all points on any plane intersecting the sphere. For other geometry the roundness applies to all points on a plane defined by the axis.


The identity of the face (or callout) to be toleranced.
The size of the tolerance zone (0.04 in above figure)
When using the WithFlags version, this is a bit flag to declare that the tolerance has modifiers or other extra parameters

Related Functions

Common Errors


System::Int64 AddToleranceSizeAngular(
	System::Int64 fea_id,
	double value,
	double plus,
	double minus

The AddToleranceSizeAngular() function creates a new angular size tolerance. The angle to be measured is determined by the geometry of the toleranced face. Note: no datums.


The identity of the face to be toleranced.
The nominal value of the tolerance.
delta The upper value allowed for the tolerance given as a delta for the nominal value.
delta The lower value allowed for the tolerance (value given should normally be negative) also given as a delta.

Related Functions

Common Errors


System::Int64 AddToleranceSizeCurved(
	System::Int64 fea_id,
	double value,
	double plus,
	double minus

The AddToleranceSizeCurved() function creates a new curved size tolerance. The tolerance is applied to a curve and describes the upper and lower bounds allowed for the length of that curve. Note: no datums.


The identity of the curve to be toleranced.
The defined value of the tolerance.
delta The upper value allowed for the tolerance given as a delta for the defined value.
delta The lower value allowed for the tolerance (value given should normally be negative) also given as a delta.

Related Functions

Common Errors


System::Int64 AddToleranceSizeDiameter(
	System::Int64 fea_id,
	double value,
	double plus,
	double minus

The AddToleranceSizeDiameter() function creates a new diameter size tolerance. The tolerance is applied to a shape that has a diameter. Note: no datums.


The identity of the face to be toleranced.
The defined value of the tolerance.
delta: The upper value allowed for the tolerance given as a delta for the defined value.
delta: The lower value allowed for the tolerance (value given should normally be negative) also given as a delta.

Related Functions

Common Errors


System::Int64 AddToleranceSizeHeight(
	System::Int64 fea_id,
	double value,
	double plus,
	double minus

The AddToleranceSizeHeight() function creates a new height size tolerance. The tolerance is applied to a shape that has a height. See AddToleranceSizeThickness.


System::Int64 AddToleranceSizeLength(
	System::Int64 fea_id,
	double value,
	double plus,
	double minus

The AddToleranceSizeLength() function creates a new length size tolerance. The tolerance is applied to a shape that has a length. See AddToleranceSizeThickness.


System::Int64 AddToleranceSizeRadial(
	System::Int64 fea_id,
	double value,
	double plus,
	double minus

The AddToleranceSizeRadial() function creates a new radius size tolerance. The tolerance is applied to a shape that has a radius. See AddToleranceSizeDiameter.


System::Int64 AddToleranceSizeThickness(
	System::Int64 fea_id,
	double value,
	double plus,
	double minus

The AddToleranceSizeThickness() function creates a new thickness size tolerance. The tolerance is applied to a shape that has a thickness. Note: no datums.


The identity of the shape to be toleranced.
The defined value of the tolerance.
delta The upper value allowed for the tolerance given as a delta for the defined value.
delta The lower value allowed for the tolerance (value given should normally be negative) also given as a delta.

Related Functions

Common Errors


System::Int64 AddToleranceSizeWidth(
	System::Int64 fea_id,
	double value,
	double plus,
	double minus

The AddToleranceSizeWidth() function creates a new width size tolerance. The tolerance is applied to a shape that has a width. See AddToleranceSizeThickness.


System::Int64 AddToleranceStraightness[WithFlags](
	System::Int64 fea_id,
	double value,
	[System::Int64 flags]

The AddToleranceStraightness() function creates a new straightness tolerance. The tolerance is applied to a curve or a curve on a surface and defines a straighness constraint for that surface as in the figure below and returns the identity of the new tolerance. Note no datums.


The identity of the curve to be toleranced.
The size of the tolerance zone (0.02 in above figure)
When using the WithFlags version, this is a bit flag to declare that the tolerance has modifiers or other extra parameters

Related Functions

Common Errors


System::Int64 AddToleranceSurfaceProfile[WithFlags](
	System::Int64 fea_id,
	double value,
	System::String^ datums,
	[System::Int64 flags]

System::Int64 AddToleranceSurfaceProfile[WithFlags](
	System::Int64 fea_id,
	System::Int64 sys_id,
	double value,
	[System::Int64 flags]

The AddToleranceSurfaceProfile() function creates a new surface profile tolerance as shown in the figure below, and returns the identity of the new tolerance. The tolerance zone defines a boundary along a profile in which all of the points of the surface must lie.


The identity of the face (or callout) to be toleranced.
The identity of the datum system that defines the tolerance. Use this argument or the datums argument but not both.
The size of the tolerance zone (0.08 in above figure)
A list of datums given as a string (AB in the above figure). Each datum name must be given as a single letter and must correspond to the name of a datum in the model.
When using the WithFlags version, this is a bit flag to declare that the tolerance has modifiers or other extra parameters

Related Functions

Common Errors


System::Int64 AddToleranceSymmetry[WithFlags](
	System::Int64 fea_id,
	double value,
	System::String^ datums,
	[System::Int64 flags]

System::Int64 AddToleranceSymmetry[WithFlags](
	System::Int64 fea_id,
	System::Int64 sys_id,
	double value,
	[System::Int64 flags]

The AddToleranceSymmetry() function creates a new symmetry tolerance as in the figure below and returns the identity of the new tolerance. The tolerance zone defines two parallel planes about which the feature must be symmetric.


The identity of the face (or callout) to be toleranced.
The identity of the datum system that defines the tolerance. Use this argument or the datums argument but not both.
The size of the tolerance zone (0.02 in above figure)
A list of datums given as a string (A in the above figure). Each datum name must be given as a single letter and must correspond to the name of a datum in the model.
When using the WithFlags version, this is a bit flag to declare that the tolerance has modifiers or other extra parameters

Related Functions

Common Errors


System::Int64 AddToleranceTotalRunout[WithFlags](
	System::Int64 fea_id,
	double value,
	System::String^ datums,
	[System::Int64 flags]

System::Int64 AddToleranceTotalRunout[WithFlags](
	System::Int64 fea_id,
	System::Int64 sys_id,
	double value,
	[System::Int64 flags]

The AddToleranceTotalRunout() function creates a new total runout tolerance as in the figure below and returns the identity of the new tolerance. The tolerance zone defines a boundary that must be exceeded by the runout.


The identity of the face (or callout) to be toleranced.
The identity of the datum system that defines the tolerance. Use this argument or the datums argument but not both.
The size of the tolerance zone (0.08 in above figure)
A list of datums given as a string (AB in the above figure). Each datum name must be given as a single letter and must correspond to the name of a datum in the model.
When using the WithFlags version, this is a bit flag to declare that the tolerance has modifiers or other extra parameters

Related Functions


System::Int64 AddToleranceWithFlags(
	System::Int64 fea_id,
	double value,
	System::String^ datums,
	System::Int64 flags

System::Int64 AddToleranceWithFlags(
	System::Int64 fea_id,
	System::Int64 sys_id,
	double value,
	System::Int64 flags

The AddToleranceWithFlags() function creates a geometric tolerance associated with a particular callout feature and returns the identity of the new tolerance. The function also takes a numeric value for the tolerance and a string containing a list of single character datum names, like "ABC". The string should be empty if no datums are to be associated.

The geometric type of the tolerance and any additional parameters are specified as a bit flag. As with all of the other "WithFlags" functions, you can declare that the tolerance with have modifiers by passing "WITH_MODS". The full list of extra parameter is described in Tolerance Flags for Extra Parameters

In addition to the flags for extra parameters, you must specify the geometric type of the tolerance by adding one of the following to the flags value.

So for example, to specify a flatness tolerance with modifiers, pass TOL_FLATNESS + WITH_MODS as the flag value. This will return the same result as calling AddToleranceFlatnessWithFlags and just passing WITH_MODS.


The feature to be toleranced. This can be selected by giving the identity of a face or other geometric item on the tolerance.
The datum system that defines the tolerance. A datum system can be giving implicitly using this argument or implicitly by giving a list of characters in the datums argument, but not both.
The tolerance value. This value is will have the current units as defined by the apt object. See the inches and millimeters functions
A list of datums in a string. Each character is one of the datums. The datums must be on the same workpiece as the feature.
See description above.

Related Functions


System::Int64 AddWorkpieceHardness(
    System::Int64 wp_id,
    double value,
    System::String^ measuring_method

The AddWorkpieceHardness() function sets the hardness of a workpiece. The value is interpreted using a measuring method. The following are recommended.


The identity of the workpiece. If no value is given then the system will find the first product of the project.
The required hardness value. This value is unitless.
The measuring method to be used to interpret the hardness value.

Related Functions


System::Int64 AddWorkpieceMaterial(
    System::Int64 wp_id,
    System::String^ material,
    System::String^ material_standard

The AddWorkpieceMaterial() function sets the material of a workpiece. The standard defines the meaning of the value.


The identity of the workpiece. If no value is given then the system will find the first product of the project.
The material value as defined by the standard.
The standard that defines the meaning of the value.

Related Functions


System::Int64 AddWorkpieceTreatment(
    System::Int64 wp_id,
    System::String^ type
    System::String^ value

System::Int64 AddWorkpieceTreatmentHeat(
    System::Int64 wp_id,
    System::String^ value

The AddWorkpieceTreatment() function sets the treatment result of a workpiece. The most common kind of treatment is heat.

The AddWorkpieceTreatmentHeat() function sets the treatment type to "heat".


The identity of the workpiece. If no value is given then the system will find the first product of the project.
The type of the treatment. If the value is "heat" then this argument can be ommitted by calling the AddWorkpieceTreatmentHeat() function.
The value assigned to the treatment.

Related Functions


System::Int64 CalloutApex(
	System::Int64 face_id

The CalloutApex() function creates a callout at the apex of a cone.


The identity of the first face for the callout.

Related Functions


System::Int64 CalloutBasic(
	System::Int64 face_id

The CalloutBasic() function explicitly creates a new callout to represent the faces in a feature. Many functions implicitly create a callout containing a single face. This function lets you make the definition more explicit. The callout creaed by this function has general semantics. The related functions listed below describe how to make callouts with more speific semantics.


The identity of the first face for the callout.

Related Functions


System::Int64 CalloutCenterOFSymmetry(
	System::Int64 face_id

The CalloutCenterOfSymmetry() function creates a callout at the center of symmetry of the faces in the callout


The identity of the first face for the callout.

Related Functions


System::Int64 CalloutComposite(
	System::Int64 face_id

The CalloutComposite() function creates a pattern of callouts.


The identity of the first face in the first feature of the callout.

Related Functions


void CalloutCompositeAddRelated(
	System::Int64 composite_callout_id,
	System::Int64 related_callout_id

The CalloutCompositeAddRealated() function adds a second feature to a callout patter.


The identity of the composite callout to be extended.
The identity of the callout that is to be added.

Related Functions


System::Int64 CalloutExtension(
	System::Int64 face_id

The CalloutExtension() function creates a callout where the faces in the callout are interupted by slot or other cutout.


The identity of the first face for the callout.

Related Functions


System::Int64 CalloutGeometricAlignment(
	System::Int64 face_id

The CalloutGeomericAlignment() function creates a callout where the faces in the callout are aligned.


The identity of the first face for the callout.

Related Functions


System::Int64 CalloutParallelOffset(
	System::Int64 face_id,
	double offset

The CalloutParallelOffset() function creates a callout at a given offset from the faces.


The identity of the first face for the callout.
The value of the offset in the current unit.

Related Functions


System::Int64 CalloutPerpendicularTo(
	System::Int64 face_id

The CalloutPerpendicularTo() function creates a callout that is perpendicular to the faces.


The identity of the first face for the callout.

Related Functions


System::Int64 CalloutTangent(
	System::Int64 face_id

The CalloutPerpendicularTo() function creates a callout that is tangential to the faces.


The identity of the first face for the callout.

Related Functions


void DeleteDatum(
	System::Int64 dat_id

The DeleteDatum() function deletes a datum. The datum is removed from any tolerance that uses the datum.


Identity of the datum

Related Functions

Common Errors


void DeleteDatumTarget(
	System::Int64 tag_id

The DeleteDatumTarget() function deletes a datum target. The target is removed from any datum that uses the target.


Identity of the target

Related Functions

Common Errors


void DeleteTolerance(
	System::Int64 tol_id

The DeleteTolerance() function deletes a tolerance.


Identity of the tolerance

Related Functions

Common Errors


System::String ^ DatumSystemName(
	System::Int64 sys_id

void DatumSystemNamePut(
	System::Int64 sys_id

The DatumSystemNamePut() function sets an optional name for a datum system.

The DatumSystemName() function returns the name of a datum system if one has been set.


Identity of the datum system

Related Functions

Common Errors


System::Int64 DatumSystemRemoveDuplicate(

System::Int64 DatumSystemTestDuplicate(

The DatumSystemRemoveDuplicate() function removes duplicate data systems from a model. Two datum systems are duplicates if they contain the same datums with the same modifiers in the same order. If duplicates are found then one is used to replace the other in any tolerance that uses the duplicate. The function returns the number of duplicates deleted.

The DatumSystemTestDuplicates() tests to see if there are any datum systems that should be deleted. The system does not delete them automatically in case there are plans to make further modifications that will make them distinct.

Related Functions


void EvaluateToleranceUsingProbeResults(
	System::Int64 tol_id

The EvaluateToleranceUsingProbeResults() function evaluates the status of a tolerance using the results of a series of probing operations. The results are evaluated against the definition of the underlying surface and the type of the tolerance.


The identity of the tolerance.

Related Functions

Common Errors


void ExportConfiguration(
	System::String^ config_file_name,
	System::String^ stepnc_file_name,
	System::String^ directory_name

The ExportConfiguration() function divides a STEP-NC AP238 file into constituent parts. The geometries of the workpiece, rawpiece, fixture and cutting tools are put into STEP geometry files so that they can be read by CAD systems. A configuration file is created in XML so that a new AP-238 file can be assembled from new versions of the STEP geometry components.


Name of the XML file that describes how to put the AP238 file back together from the pieces.
Name of the STEP-NC file that is to be created by the XML script.
Name of the directory where the STEP geometry files are to be stored.

Related Functions


void ExportProbeInitialData(
	System::String^ filename,
	System::String^ unit

The ExportProbeInitialData() function exports start point data for a series of probing operations so that they can be used to compute probe result data.


Name of the file that is to hold the initial point data.
Unit (e.g. in or mm) for the coordinates of the point data

Related Functions

Common Errors


void ExportProbeResultData(
	System::String^ filename,
	System::String^ unit

The ExportProbeResultData() function exports result data for the probing operations in a project.


Name of the file that is to hold the result data.
Unit (e.g. in or mm) for the coordinates of the point data

Related Functions

Common Errors


void ExportToolStatus(
	System::String^ xml_file_name

The ExportToolStatus() function saves the current status of the Tool Properties tab of the STEP-NC Explorer as an XML file so that its information can be processed by other systems. The saved data includes the current value of any measured tolerance and the current settings of the tool compensation registers.


Name of the XML file where the information is to be saved.


System::Int64 FindCylindricalFace(
	System::Int64 wp_id,
	double x,
	double y,
	double z,
	double i,
	double j,
	double k,
	double radius,
	[System::Runtime::InteropServices::Out] System::Int64 %count,
	[System::Runtime::InteropServices::Out] System::Int64 %surface_id

The FindCylindricalFace() function finds a cylinder using the coordinates of its axis in the STEP-NC model. This functionality is used by the ImportUsingConfiguration function to find cylinders in the workpiece that belong to features of the workplan. Returns the identity of a face that contains the cylinder (null if no faces found).


The identity of the piece that is to be searched.
x, y, z
The position of the axis (required).
i, j, k
The direction of the axis (optional if set to (0, 0, 0))
The radius of the cylinder (required).
[out] Number of faces in the model that contain the found cylinder.
[out] The identity of the cylinder.

Related Functions


System::Int64 FindFeature(
	double x,
	double y,
	double z,
	double i,
	double j,
	double k,
	System::String^ type

The FindFeature() function finds a feature using the raw coordinates of its axis. (The raw coordinates are the coordinates defined in the data and not necessarily the coordinates used in the model after transformations have been applied). This functionality is used by the ImportUsingConfiguration function to find features of the workplan.


The identity of the piece that is to be searched.
x, y, z
The position of the axis (required).
i, j, k
The direction of the axis (optional if set to (0, 0, 0))
The type of the feature (optional if set to empty string).

Related Functions


System::Int64 FindPlanarFace(
	System::Int64 wp_id,
	double x,
	double y,
	double z,
	double i,
	double j,
	double k,
	[System::Runtime::InteropServices::Out] System::Int64 %count,
	[System::Runtime::InteropServices::Out] System::Int64 %surface_id

The FindPlanarFace() function finds a plane using the coordinates of its axis in the STEP-NC model. This functionality is used by the ImportUsingConfiguration function to find planes in the workpiece that belong to features of the workplan.


The identity of the piece that is to be searched.
x, y, z
The position of the axis (required).
i, j, k
The direction of the axis (optional if set to (0, 0, 0))
[out] Number of faces in the model that contain the found plane.
[out] The identity of the plane.

Related Functions


System::Int64 GetCalloutDraughtingCount (
	System::Int64 ent_id

System::Int64 GetCalloutDraughtingNext (
	System::Int64 ent_id,
	System::Int64 index

The GetCalloutDraughtingCount() function

The GetCalloutDraughtingNext() function


System::Int64 GetCalloutFaceCount(
	System::Int64 ent_id

System::Int64 GetCalloutFaceNext(
	System::Int64 ent_id,
	System::Int64 index

The GetCalloutFaceCount() function returns the number of faces in a callout. For most callouts the number will be one. This function can be used to get the faces in features, tolerances and datums, and is designed to be used in conjunction with the AddFaceToCalloutXxx functions.

The GetCalloutFaceNext() function returns the next face defined in a callout model.


The identify of the callout.
The position of the required face.

Related Functions


System::Int64 GetCalloutFaceCountOrigin(
	System::Int64 loc_id

The GetCalloutFaceCountOrigin() function returns the number of faces in a dimension origin callout.


The identify of a dimension with an origin.

Related Functions


System::Int64 GetCalloutFaceCountTarget(
	System::Int64 loc_id

The GetCalloutFaceCountTarget() function returns the number of faces in a dimension target callout.


The identify of a dimension with an origin.

Related Functions


System::Int64 GetCalloutFaceNextOrigin(
	System::Int64 loc_id,
	System::Int64 index

The GetCalloutFaceNextOrigin() function Returns the next face defined in a dimension origin.


The identify of the callout.
The position of the required face.

Related Functions


System::Int64 GetCalloutFaceNextTarget(
	System::Int64 loc_id,
	System::Int64 index

The GetCalloutFaceNextTarget() function returns the next face defined in a dimension origin.


The identify of the callout.
The position of the required face.

Related Functions


System::Collections::Generic::List^ GetDatumSystemToleranceAll(
	System::Int64 sys_id,

System::Collections::Generic::List^ GetDatumSystemDatumAll(
	System::Int64 sys_id,

System::Collections::Generic::List^ GetDatumSystemFaceAll(
	System::Int64 sys_id,

System::Collections::Generic::List^ GetDatumSystemDraughtingAll(
	System::Int64 sys_id,

The GetDatumSystem() functions return the properties of a datum system. A datum system is a list of datums with optional modifiers. If two tolerances have the same datums with the same modifiers then they have the same datum system. In order to be the same a datum must be defined on the same face and have the same name, for example 'A'.

The GetDatumSystemToleranceAll() function returns all the tolerances that have the same datum system. If a new tolerance has just been defined then it will not be included in this list until the system has been asked to remove duplicate systems using the DatumSystemRemoveDuplicate() function.

The GetDatumSystemDatumAll() function returns all the datums in a datum system. This includes common datums.

The GetDatumSystemFaceAll() function returns all the geometry items that define the datums in a system. The geometry items are usually faces but they can be edge curves and other types of geometry.

The GetDatumSystemDraughtingAll() function returns all the display items that are associated with the datums in a system so that they can be highlighted on a graphics display.


The identified of a datum system.

Related Functions


System::Int64 GetDatumCount();

System::Int64 GetDatumNext(
	System::Int64 index,
	[System::Runtime::InteropServices::Out] System::String^ %label,
	[System::Runtime::InteropServices::Out] System::String^ %modifier

The GetDatumCount() function returns a count of the number of datums defined in the model and GetDatumNext() iterates over the datum returning the object identifier of the datum and several attributes as out parameters.


The position of the required datum.
[out] The name of the datum.
[out] The string Maximum material condition, Least material condition, Regardless of feature size or none.

Related Functions


System::Int64 GetDatumDraughtingCount (
	System::Int64 dat_id

System::Int64 GetDatumDraughtingLocalCount (
	System::Int64 dat_id

System::Int64 GetDatumDraughtingNext (
	System::Int64 dat_id,
	System::Int64 index

System::Int64 GetDatumDraughtingLocalNext (
	System::Int64 dat_id,
	System::Int64 index

The GetCalloutDraughtingCount() and GetCalloutDraughtingNext() functions return a list of the draughting items connected to a datum.

The GetCalloutDraughtingLocalCount/Next() return a list of the draughting items directly connected to the datum. The non local versions return a list of the faces directly and indirectly connected.


The identity of the datum.
The position of the next draughting item.

Related Functions


System::Int64 GetDatumFaceCount(		
	System::Int64 dat_id
System::Int64 GetDatumFaceLocalCount(
	System::Int64 dat_id
System::Int64 GetDatumFaceNext(
	System::Int64 dat_id,
	System::Int64 index
System::Int64 GetDatumFaceLocalNext(
	System::Int64 dat_id,
	System::Int64 index

int [] GetDatumFaceAll(			
	int dat_id

The GetDatumFaceCount() function returns a count of the number of faces defined in a datum and GetDatumFaceNext() iterates over the faces in that datum.

The GetDatumFaceLocalCount/Next() functions returns the faces directly connected to the datum. The non local versions returns the directly and indirectly connected faces. In most applications the non local versions are more useful.

The functions normally return the identity of a face but any kind of geometric representation item may be returned.


The identity of the datum.
The position of the next datum face.

Related Functions


System::String^ GetDatumLabel(		
	System::Int64 dat_id

string GetDatumLabel(			
	int dat_id

The GetDatumLabel() function returns the label on a datum (e.g. A).


The identity of the datum.

Related Functions


System::Int64 GetDatumSurface(
	System::Int64 datum_id

The GetDatumSurface() function


System::Int64 GetDatumTargetCircle(
	System::Int64 target_id,
	[System::Runtime::InteropServices::Out] double %diameter,
	[System::Runtime::InteropServices::Out] double %x,
	[System::Runtime::InteropServices::Out] double %y,
	[System::Runtime::InteropServices::Out] double %z,
	[System::Runtime::InteropServices::Out] double %i,
	[System::Runtime::InteropServices::Out] double %j,
	[System::Runtime::InteropServices::Out] double %k

The GetDatumTargetCircle() function returns nonzero if the target is a circle and passes back the parameters of the target.


The identity of the target.
[out] The diameter of the circle
x, y, z
[out] The coordinates of the center
i, j, k
[out] The axis of the center

Related Functions


System::Int64 GetDatumTargetCount(
	System::Int64 dat_id

System::Int64 GetDatumTargetNext(
	System::Int64 dat_id,
	System::Int64 index

The GetDatumTargetCount() function returns the number of targets in a target.

The GetDatumTargetNext() function Returns the next target in a datum.


The identity of the datum.
The position of the next target.

Related Functions


System::Int64 GetDatumTargetPoint(
	System::Int64 target_id,
	[System::Runtime::InteropServices::Out] double %x,
	[System::Runtime::InteropServices::Out] double %y,
	[System::Runtime::InteropServices::Out] double %z

The GetDatumTargetPoint() function returns nonzero if the target is a point and passes back the coordinates of a target point.


The identity of the target.
x, y, z
[out] The coordinates of the point

Related Functions


System::Int64 GetDatumTargetRectangle(
	System::Int64 target_id,
	[System::Runtime::InteropServices::Out] double %length,
	[System::Runtime::InteropServices::Out] double %width,
	[System::Runtime::InteropServices::Out] double %x,
	[System::Runtime::InteropServices::Out] double %y,
	[System::Runtime::InteropServices::Out] double %z,
	[System::Runtime::InteropServices::Out] double %i,
	[System::Runtime::InteropServices::Out] double %j,
	[System::Runtime::InteropServices::Out] double %k,
	[System::Runtime::InteropServices::Out] double %a,
	[System::Runtime::InteropServices::Out] double %b,
	[System::Runtime::InteropServices::Out] double %c

The GetDatumTargetRectangle() function returns nonzero if the target is a rectangle and passes back the parameters of the target.


The identity of the target.
[out] The length of the rectangle
[out] The width of the rectangle
x, y, z
[out] The coordinates of the center
i, j, k
[out] The axis of the center
a, b, c
[out] The rotation around the center

Related Functions


System::Int64 GetDatumTargetStraightLine(
	System::Int64 target_id,
	[System::Runtime::InteropServices::Out] double %length,
	[System::Runtime::InteropServices::Out] double %x,
	[System::Runtime::InteropServices::Out] double %y,
	[System::Runtime::InteropServices::Out] double %z,
	[System::Runtime::InteropServices::Out] double %i,
	[System::Runtime::InteropServices::Out] double %j,
	[System::Runtime::InteropServices::Out] double %k

The GetDatumTargetStraightLine() function returns nonzero if the target is a straight line and passes back the parameters of the target.


The identity of the target.
[out] The length of the line
x, y, z
[out] The coordinates of the line
i, j, k
[out] Direction of the line

Related Functions


System::String^ GetDatumTargetType(
	System::Int64 target_id

The GetDatumTargetType() function returns the type of a datum target (point, line, circle or rectangle).


The identity of the target.

Related Functions


System::String^ GetDatumType(
	System::Int64 dat_id

The GetDatumType() function returns the type of the datum as a string.


The identity of the datum.

Related Functions


System::Int64 GetDatumUsingLabel(
	System::String^ label,
	[System::Runtime::InteropServices::Out] System::String^ %modifier

The GetDatumUsingLabel() function returns the datum with the defined label.


The label of the required datum.
[out] The string Maximum material condition, Least material condition, Regardless of feature size or none.

Related Functions


System::Int64 GetEdgeBack(
	System::Int64 face_id

The GetEdgeBack() function returns the identity of the rearmost edge on a face. The edge chosen is the one with the largest sum for its Y coordinates


The identity of a face.


System::Int64 GetEdgeBottom(
	System::Int64 face_id

The GetEdgeBottom() function returns the identity of the right edge on a face. The edge chosen is the one with the smallest sum for its Z coordinates. See GetEdgeBack for other details.


System::Int64 GetEdgeFront(
	System::Int64 face_id

The GetEdgeFront() function returns the identity of the left edge on a face. The edge chosen is the one with the smallest sum for its Y coordinates. See GetEdgeBack for other details.


System::Int64 GetEdgeLeft(
	System::Int64 face_id

The GetEdgeLeft() function returns the identity of the left edge on a face. The edge chosen is the one with the smallest sum for its X coordinates. See GetEdgeBack for other details.


System::Int64 GetEdgeRight(
	System::Int64 face_id

The GetEdgeRight() function returns the identity of the right edge on a face. The edge chosen is the one with the largest sum for its X coordinates. See GetEdgeBack for other details.


System::Int64 GetEdgeTop(
	System::Int64 face_id

The GetEdgeTop() function returns the identity of the right edge on a face. The edge chosen is the one with the largest sum for its Z coordinates. See GetEdgeBack for other details.

GetExecutableToleranceAll(), GetExecutableProcessFeatureAll(), GetExecutableFinalFeatureAll()

System::Collections::Generic::List^ GetExecutableToleranceAll (
	    System::Int64 exe_id

	System::Collections::Generic::List^ GetExecutableProcessFeatureAll (
	    System::Int64 exe_id

	System::Collections::Generic::List^ GetExecutableFinalFeatureAll (
	    System::Int64 exe_id

	System::Collections::Generic::List^ Tolerance::GetExecutableProbedFacesAll (
	    System::Int64 exe_id

The GetExecutableToleranceAll() function returns the tolerances associated with an executable. If the executable is a probing workingstep then the identitites of the tolerances being tested by the operation will be returned. If the executable is a workplan, or other type of program structure, then the identities of all the tolerances associated with all of the workingsteps in that structure will be returned.

The GetExecutableProcessFeature() function returns the process features associated with an executable. If the executable is a workingstep then the process feature describes the volume being removed by the step. If the executable is a workplan, or other type of program structure, then the identities of all the process features associated with all of the workingsteps in that structure will be returned.

The GetExecutableFinalFeature() function returns the final features associated with an executable. If the executable is a workingstep then the final features describe the properties of the part being manufactured by the workingstep. If the executable is a workplan, or other type of program structure, then the identities of all the final features associated with all of the workingsteps in that structure will be returned.


The identity of the executable.


System::Int64 GetFaceAllCount();

System::Int64 GetFaceAllNext(
	System::Int64 index

The GetFaceAllCount() function returns a count of the total number of faces in the model. The faces can belong to any of the parts in the model including the workpieces, the rawpieces, the fixtures and the cutting tools.

The GetFaceAllNext() function returns the next face in the STEP-NC model.


The position of the next face.

Related Functions


System::Int64 GetFaceAxisPointsInDesign(
	System::Int64 face_id,
	[System::Runtime::InteropServices::Out] double %x1,
	[System::Runtime::InteropServices::Out] double %y1,
	[System::Runtime::InteropServices::Out] double %z1,
	[System::Runtime::InteropServices::Out] double %x2,
	[System::Runtime::InteropServices::Out] double %y2,
	[System::Runtime::InteropServices::Out] double %z2

System::Int64 GetFaceAxisPointsInWorkpiece(
	System::Int64 face_id,
	[System::Runtime::InteropServices::Out] double %x1,
	[System::Runtime::InteropServices::Out] double %y1,
	[System::Runtime::InteropServices::Out] double %z1,
	[System::Runtime::InteropServices::Out] double %x2,
	[System::Runtime::InteropServices::Out] double %y2,
	[System::Runtime::InteropServices::Out] double %z2

System::Int64 GetFaceAxisPointsInSetup(
	System::Int64 face_id,
	System::Int64 exe_id,
	[System::Runtime::InteropServices::Out] double %x1,
	[System::Runtime::InteropServices::Out] double %y1,
	[System::Runtime::InteropServices::Out] double %z1,
	[System::Runtime::InteropServices::Out] double %x2,
	[System::Runtime::InteropServices::Out] double %y2,
	[System::Runtime::InteropServices::Out] double %z2

The GetFaceAxisPoints() function returns the start and end points of a torus or cylinder. If the torus and cylinder define pipes then these points are the center points of the start and end of each section.

The GetFaceAxisPointsInDesign() function returns the coordinates in native space of the design which means they are in the coordinate space of the model that contains the face. This measure is best when raw data is being analyzed.

The GetFaceAxisPointsInWorkpiece() function returns the coordinates in the coordinate space of the workpiece. They will be different to the coordinate space of the design when the design is part of an assembly. This measure is best when computing distances between models.

The GetFaceAxisPointsInSetup() function returns the coordinates in the coordinate space defined for a machining operation. They will be different to the coordinate space of the workpiece if the workpiece is turned upside down or otherwise moved or rotated for this operation. This measure is best when a part is being machined.


The identity of the face.
Identity of an executable that has a setup.
x, y, z
[out] Coordinates of the origin of the axis.

Related Functions

Common Errors


System::Int64 GetFaceBack();

The GetFaceBack() function returns the identity of the back face. All the y coordinates on the chosen face must have the same value. If two or more faces meet this criteria then the face chosen will be the one with the largest y value.


System::Int64 GetFaceBottom();

The GetFaceBottom() function returns the identity of the bottom face. All the z coordinates on the chosen face must have the same value. If two or more faces meet this criteria then the face chosen will be the one with the smallest z value. . See GetFaceBack for more details.


System::Int64 GetFaceFront();

The GetFaceFront() function returns the identity of the front face. All the y coordinates on the chosen face must have the same value. If two or more faces meet this criteria then the face chosen will be the one with the smallest y value. See GetFaceBack for more details.


System::Int64 GetFaceLeft();

The GetFaceLeft() function returns the identity of the left face. All the x coordinates on the chosen face must have the same value. If two or more faces meet this criteria then the face chosen will be the one with the smallest x value. . See GetFaceBack for more details.


System::Int64 GetFaceDefinitionCylinder (
	System::Int64 face_id
	[System::Runtime::InteropServices::Out] double %x,
	[System::Runtime::InteropServices::Out] double %y,
	[System::Runtime::InteropServices::Out] double %z
	[System::Runtime::InteropServices::Out] double %i,
	[System::Runtime::InteropServices::Out] double %j,
	[System::Runtime::InteropServices::Out] double %k,
	[System::Runtime::InteropServices::Out] double %radius

System::Int64 GetFaceDefinitionPlane (
	System::Int64 face_id
	[System::Runtime::InteropServices::Out] double %x,
	[System::Runtime::InteropServices::Out] double %y,
	[System::Runtime::InteropServices::Out] double %z
	[System::Runtime::InteropServices::Out] double %i,
	[System::Runtime::InteropServices::Out] double %j,
	[System::Runtime::InteropServices::Out] double %k,

System::Int64 Tolerance::GetFaceDefinitionTorus  (
	System::Int64 face_id,
	[System::Runtime::InteropServices::Out] double %x,
	[System::Runtime::InteropServices::Out] double %y,
	[System::Runtime::InteropServices::Out] double %z,
	[System::Runtime::InteropServices::Out] double %i,
	[System::Runtime::InteropServices::Out] double %j,
	[System::Runtime::InteropServices::Out] double %k,
	[System::Runtime::InteropServices::Out] double%major_radius,
	[System::Runtime::InteropServices::Out] double %minor_radius

double Tolerance::GetFaceDefinitionTorusBendAngle  (
	System::Int64 face_id

double Tolerance::GetFaceDefinitionTorusBendMajorRadius  (
	System::Int64 face_id

double Tolerance::GetFaceDefinitionTorusBendMinorRadius  (
	System::Int64 face_id

The GetFaceDefinition() functions return the definition of a plane, cylindrical surface or toroidal surface. The parameters are as defined by Part 42 of the STEP standard. The coordinates are in part space which means they are in the space defined by the CAD model.

Cylinders and toruses are sometimes used to define pipes and pipe bends. The GetFaceDefinitionTorusBendAngle() function returns the bend angle of a pipe. The GetFaceDefinitionTorusMajorRadius() function returns the radius of the bend. The GetFaceDefinitionTorusMinorRadius() function and the returns the radius of the pipe. The pipe radius is also returned by one of the parameters of GetFaceDefinitionCylinder() function.

The start and end points of a cyclinder and torus are returned by the GetFaceAxisPoints functions. When the end-axis point of one cylinder or torus is the start-axis point of the another cylinder or torus then they form a continuous pipe.


The identify of the face.

Related Functions


System::String^ GetFaceGeometryType(
	System::Int64 face_id

The GetFaceGeometryType() function returns a string describing the type of the surface used to define a face. The range of surface types is given by the EXPRESS surface definition. The type name will be in lower case letters.


The identify of the face.

Related Functions

Common Errors


System::Int64 GetFaceMeasuredCount (

System::Int64 GetFaceMeasuredNext (
	System::Int64 index

System::Collections::Generic::List^ GetFaceMeasuredAll (

The GetFaceMeasured() functions return a list of all the measured faces in a project. A measured faces is one that has touch probe points defined.


For iterating thru the identity of the faces.

Related Functions


System::Int64 GetFaceMeasuredPointCount (
	System::Int64 face_id

System::Int64 GetFaceMeasuredPointNext (
	System::Int64 face_id
	System::Int64 index
	[System::Runtime::InteropServices::Out] double %measured_x,
	[System::Runtime::InteropServices::Out] double %measured_y,
	[System::Runtime::InteropServices::Out] double %rmeasured_z,
	[System::Runtime::InteropServices::Out] double %expected_x,
	[System::Runtime::InteropServices::Out] double %rexpected_y,
	[System::Runtime::InteropServices::Out] double %expected_z,
	[System::Runtime::InteropServices::Out] double %touch_i,
	[System::Runtime::InteropServices::Out] double %touch_j,
	[System::Runtime::InteropServices::Out] double %rtouch_k

The GetFaceMeasuredPoint() functions return information about the measured points on a given face. The returned information may change each time the point is touched. The function will return false if the point has not yet been touched.

The coordinates are in the space defined for the part in the CAD model. The expected and normal values are computed from the planning data. The measured values are the ones reported by the tocuh probe.

All values are for the coordinates of the touch point, not the center of the ball.


The identity of the face.
next face.
The measured value
The expected value
The normal of the touched value

Related Functions


System::Int64 GetFaceMeasureGeometry(
	System::Int64 face_id

The GetFaceMeasureGeometry() function returns the identity of the surface used to define a face. In STEP a face is defined as a bounded loop on a surface. The surfaces can be planes, cylinders, torii, bspline’s and other types.


The identify of the face.

Related Functions


System::Int64 GetFacePlacementInDesign(
	System::Int64 face_id,
	[System::Runtime::InteropServices::Out] double %x,
	[System::Runtime::InteropServices::Out] double %y,
	[System::Runtime::InteropServices::Out] double %z

System::Int64 GetFacePlacementInWorkpiece(
	System::Int64 face_id,
	[System::Runtime::InteropServices::Out] double %x,
	[System::Runtime::InteropServices::Out] double %y,
	[System::Runtime::InteropServices::Out] double %z

System::Int64 GetFacePlacementInSetup(
	System::Int64 face_id,
	System::Int64 exe_id,
	[System::Runtime::InteropServices::Out] double %x,
	[System::Runtime::InteropServices::Out] double %y,
	[System::Runtime::InteropServices::Out] double %z

The GetFacePlacement() function returns the model coordinates of the axis that defines a face. The function returns zero if the face is not defined by an elementary surface.

The GetFacePlacementInDesign() function returns the coordinates in native space of the design which means they are in the coordinate space of the model that contains the face. This measure is best when raw data is being analyzed.

The GetFacePlacementInWorkpiece() function returns the coordinates in the coordinate space of the workpiece. They will be different to the coordinate space of the design when the design is part of an assembly. This measure is best when computing distances between models.

The GetFacePlacementInSetup() function returns the coordinates in the coordinate space defined for a machining operation. They will be different to the coordinate space of the workpiece if the workpiece is turned upside down or otherwise moved or rotated for this operation. This measure is best when a part is being machined.


The identity of the face.
Identity of an executable that has a setup.
x, y, z
[out] Coordinates of the origin of the axis.

Related Functions

Common Errors


System::Int64 GetFaceRight();

The GetFaceRight() function returns the identity of the left face. All the x coordinates on the chosen face must have the same value. If two or more faces meet this criteria then the face chosen will be the one with the largest x value. . See GetFaceBack for more details.


System::String^ GetFaceStatus(
	System::Int64 face_id

The GetFaceStatus() function determines the status of a face with respect to the tolerances defined on that face and returns one of the following strings describing the status.


The identity of the face.

Related Functions

Common Errors


System::Int64 GetFaceStatusCount();

System::String^ GetFaceStatusNext(
	System::Int64 index,
	[System::Runtime::InteropServices::Out] System::Int64 %face_id

The GetFaceStatusCount() function returns the number of faces in the project with a status other than none.

The GetFaceStatusNext() function returns the next face with a status.


Index for the selected face

Related Functions


System::String^ GetFaceStatusTolerance(
	System::Int64 face_id,
	System::Int64 tol_id

The GetFaceStatusTolerance() function determines the status of a face with respect to a specific tolerance.


The identity of the face.
The identity of the tolerance.

Related Functions

Common Errors


System::String^ GetFaceStatusTool(
	System::Int64 face_id,
	System::Int64 tool_id

The GetFaceStatusTool() function determines the status of a face with respect to the tolerances associated with a tool.


The identity of the face.
The identity of the tool

Related Functions

Common Errors


System::Int64 GetFaceTop();

The GetFaceTop() function returns the identity of the top face. All the z coordinates on the chosen face must have the same value. If two or more faces meet this criteria then the face chosen will be the one with the largest z value. . See GetFaceBack for more details.


System::Int64 GetFeatureAllCount();

System::Int64 GetFeatureAllNext(
	System::Int64 index

The GetFeatureAllCount() function returns a count of the total number of features in the model. The featuress can belong to any of the workpieces.

The GetFeatureAllNext() function returns the next feature in the STEP-NC model.


The position of the next feature.

Related Functions


System::Int64 GetFeatureFaceCount(
	System::Int64 fea_id

System::Int64 GetFeatureFaceNext(
	System::Int64 fea_id,
	System::Int64 index

The GetFeatureFaceCount() function returns a count of the faces on a feature and GetFeatureFaceNext() iterates over the faces and returns the one for a given index.


The identity of the feature.
The position of the next face.


The identity of the feature.

Related Functions


System::Int64 GetMeasureGeometryCount();

System::Int64 GetMeasureGeometryNext(
	System::Int64 index

The GetMeasureGeometryCount() function returns a count of the number of surfaces in a STEP-NC project. The surfaces can belong to the workpiece, rawpiece, fixture or cutting tools. The GetMeasureGeometryNext() function iterates over the surfaces and returns one for a specific index.


The position of the next surface.

Related Functions


System::Int64 GetMeasureGeometryFaceCount(
	System::Int64 geometry_id

System::Int64 GetMeasureGeometryFaceNext(
	System::Int64 geometry_id,
	System::Int64 index

The GetMeasureGeometryFaceCount() function returns a count of the faces that use a surface. In STEP a solid model is defined as a set of faces whuch define bounded loops on surfaces. The surfaces can be planes, cylinders, touruses, bspline’s and other types. In some situations several faces are defined on the same surface. For example, a cylinder may be defined as two faces on a cylindrical surface.

The GetMeasureGeometryFaceNext() function returns the next face that uses a surface


The identity of the geometry.
The position of the face.

Related Functions


System::Int64 GetMeasureGeometryPlacement(
	System::Int64 geo_id,
	[System::Runtime::InteropServices::Out] double %x,
	[System::Runtime::InteropServices::Out] double %y,
	[System::Runtime::InteropServices::Out] double %z,
	[System::Runtime::InteropServices::Out] double %i,
	[System::Runtime::InteropServices::Out] double %j,
	[System::Runtime::InteropServices::Out] double %k,
	[System::Runtime::InteropServices::Out] double %a,
	[System::Runtime::InteropServices::Out] double %b,
	[System::Runtime::InteropServices::Out] double %c

The GetMeasureGeometryPlacement() function returns the origin, z direction and x direction that define the location and orientation of STEP elementary surfaces The values returned are the raw values stored in the data. No transformations are applied. For a plane this is all the data defined for the surface. For a cylinder this data plus the radius returned by GetMeasureGeometryRadius function defines the surface. Planes and cylinders are the most important types of surfaces for measurement applications. The function returns the identity of the axis or 0 if this is not an elementary surface.


The identity of the geometry.
x, y, z
[out] Origin of the axis.
i, j, k
[out] Components of the Z direction.
a, b, c
[out] Components of the X direction.

Related Functions


double GetMeasureGeometryRadius(
	System::Int64 geo_id

The GetMeasureGeometryRadius() function returns the radius of that cylinder if the surface is defined by a cylinder. In STEP geometry surfaces can be planes, cylinders, touruses, bspline’s and other types as defined by the surface entity in STEP Part 42. For a cylinder this data plus the data returned by GetMeasureGeometryPlacement completely define the surface.


The identity of the geometry.

Related Functions

Common Errors


System::String^ GetMeasureGeometryType(
	System::Int64 geo_id

The GetMeasureGeometryType() function returns a string describing the type of the surface used to define a face. The range of surface types is given by the EXPRESS surface definition. The type name will be in lower case letters.


The identity of the geometry.

Related Functions


double GetPlyAngleDegress(
	System::Int64 wp_id

double GetPlyThicknessInch(
	System::Int64 wp_id

The GetPlyAngleDegree() function returns the orientation of a ply. Consecutive plys are given different orientations to strenghten the part. In a typical example they maybe at 0 degrees, 45 degress, 90 degress and minus 45 degrees. The function returns the orientation in degrees. The underlying data may have a different unit.

The GetPlyThicknessInch() function returns the thickness of a ply. The meaning of thickness is TBD. The function returns the thickness in inches. The underlying data may have a different unit.


The identity of a workpiece that is a ply.

Related Functions


System::Int64 GetPlyBaseSurface(
	System::Int64 cat_id

The GetPlyBaseSurface() function returns the identify of the open shell at the base of the ply. An open shell is a set of connected faces. In many cases there is just one face in the set. Usually the face is trimmed by a composite curve defined by an outer bounds.


The identity of a composite assembly table.

Related Functions


System::Int64 GetPlyOuterBound(
	System::Int64 ply_id

System::Collections::Generic::List^ GetPlyInnerBounds(
	System::Int64 ply_id

The GetPlyOuterBound() function returns the identify of the composite curve that defines the boundary of the ply. When material is laid onto the surface it will start at the near edge of the boundary and finish at the far edge of the boundary.

The GetPlyInnerBounds() function returns the identify of any composite curve that defines a hole in the ply. When material is laid onto the surface it will stop at the near edge of the inner boundary and restart at the far edge of the boundary. There may be multiple inner boundary curves.


The identity of a ply.

Related Functions


double GetPlyMaterialFabricWidthInch(
	System::Int64 ply_id,
    	[System::Runtime::InteropServices::Out] double %ret_temp

double GetPlyMaterialCuredThicknessInch(
	System::Int64 ply_id,
    	[System::Runtime::InteropServices::Out] double %ret_temp

double GetPlyMaterialUncuredThicknessInch(
	System::Int64 ply_id,
    	[System::Runtime::InteropServices::Out] double %ret_temp

The GetPlyMaterialFabricWidthInch() function returns the width of the fabric that is being laid to make the ply.

The GetPlyMaterialCuredThicknessInch() function returns the thickness of the ply material after it is cured (heated and cooled).

The GetPlyMaterialUncuredThicknessInch() function returns the thickness of the ply material before it is cured (heated and cooled).

The value returned by each function is given in inches. The native data may use different units.


The identity of a ply.
The material was measured at this temperature (Farenheit).

Related Functions


double GetPlyMaterialLimitDeformationDegree(
	System::Int64 ply_id,
    	[System::Runtime::InteropServices::Out] double %ret_temp

double GetPlyMaterialMaximumDeformationDegree(
	System::Int64 ply_id,
    	[System::Runtime::InteropServices::Out] double %ret_temp

The GetPlyMaterialFabricLimitDeformationDegree() function returns limit deformation allowed for the material.

The GetPlyMaterialFabricMaximumDeformationDegree() function returns maximum deformation allowed for the material.

The value returned by each function is given in degrees. The native data may use different units.


The identity of a ply.
The material was measured at this temperature (Farenheit).

Related Functions


double GetPlyMaterialDensityPoundsPerCubicInch(
	System::Int64 ply_id,
    	[System::Runtime::InteropServices::Out] double %ret_temp

double GetPlyMaterialWeightPoundsPerSquareInch(
	System::Int64 ply_id,
    	[System::Runtime::InteropServices::Out] double %ret_temp

The GetPlyMaterialDensityPoundPerCubicInch() function returns the density of the material.

The GetPlyMaterialWeightPoundPerSquareInch() function returns the weight of the material so that the total weight of the laid material can be computed.

The value returned by each function may be different to the internal units.


The identity of a ply.
The material was measured at this temperature (Farenheit).

Related Functions


System::Int64 GetProbeAllCount();

System::Int64 GetProbeAllNext(
	System::Int64 index

The GetProbeAllCount() function returns a count of all of the probing operations in the STEP-NC program so that other functions can put and set the values of these operations

The GetProbeAllNext() function returns the identity of the next probing operation.


The position of the probing operation.

Related Functions

  • GetProbeFace Get the face being probed.
  • GetProbeGrade Is the probe in or out of tolerance?
  • GetProbeInitialData Start point of the probing operation.
  • GetProbeResultData Result data of the probing operation.
  • GetProbeSurfacePosition The point touched on the surface.


    System::Int64 GetProbeFace(
    	System::Int64 ws_id

    The GetProbeFace() function returns the identity of the face touched by a probing operation.


    The identity of the workingstep or probing operation.

    Related Functions

    Common Errors


    System::String^ GetProbeGrade(
    	System::Int64 probe_or_ws_id

    The GetProbeGrade() function compares the measured value of a probing operation against the tolerances defined for the face touched by that probing operation.


    The identity of the workingstep or probing operation.

    Related Functions

    Common Errors


    System::String^ GetProbeInitialData(
    	System::Int64 probe_or_ws_id,
    	[System::Runtime::InteropServices::Out] double %x,
    	[System::Runtime::InteropServices::Out] double %y,
    	[System::Runtime::InteropServices::Out] double %z,
    	[System::Runtime::InteropServices::Out] double %i,
    	[System::Runtime::InteropServices::Out] double %j,
    	[System::Runtime::InteropServices::Out] double %k

    The GetProbeInitialData() function returns label of the workingstep or probing operation and the start point and direction. A probe is programmed to start at an initial point and move in a given direction until it touches the part. The expected and actual distance of the move can be found the GetProbeResultData function.


    The identity of the workingstep or probing operation.
    x, y, z
    [out] The initial position of the probing operation.
    i, j, k
    [out] The initial direction of the probing operation.

    Related Functions

    Common Errors


    double GetProbeResultData(
    	System::Int64 probe_or_ws_id,
    	[System::Runtime::InteropServices::Out] double %expected_value

    The GetProbeResultData() function returns the actual distance moved by the probe before it touched a surface, and passes back the expected value in an out parameter.


    The identity of the workingstep or probing operation.
    [out] The expected value of the probe distance.

    Related Functions

    Common Errors


    System::String^ GetProbeSurfacePosition(
    	System::Int64 probe_or_ws_id,
    	[System::Runtime::InteropServices::Out] double %x,
    	[System::Runtime::InteropServices::Out] double %y,
    	[System::Runtime::InteropServices::Out] double %z,
    	[System::Runtime::InteropServices::Out] double %i,
    	[System::Runtime::InteropServices::Out] double %j,
    	[System::Runtime::InteropServices::Out] double %k

    The GetProbeSurfacePosition() function uses the expected and actual distance of the moved by the probe and the initial position and direction to compute the location where the probe touched the surface


    The identity of the workingstep or probing operation.
    x, y, z
    [out] The position where the probe touched the surface.
    i, j, k
    [out] The direction where the probe touched the surface.

    Related Functions

    Common Errors


    System::String^ GetSurfaceTextureParameterMeasuringMethod(
    	System::Int64 face_id

    The GetSurfaceTextureParameterMeasuringMethod() function returns the measuring method, which defines the ISO standard used to measure the surface texture. The methods are ISO 4287, ISO 12085 and ISO 13565. Each standard describes a set of parameters that can be measured. The GetSurfaceTextureParameterName function returns this parameter.


    The identity of the surface texture parameter.

    Related Functions

    Common Errors


    System::String^ GetSurfaceTextureParameterName(
    	System::Int64 face_id

    The GetSurfaceTextureParameterName() function returns the parameter name, which defines how to use the ISO standard described by the measuring method to measure the surface texture. The methods are ISO 4287, ISO 12085 and ISO 13565. Each standard describes a set of similar parameters that can be measured.


    The identity of the surface texture parameter.

    Related Functions

    Common Errors


    double GetSurfaceTextureParameterValue(
    	System::Int64 face_id

    The GetSurfaceTextureParameterValue() function returns the value of the surface texture parameter. See GetSurfaceTextureParameterName for a description of the allowed parameters. This value is also returned by the GetToleranceValue function. See GetSurfaceTextureParameterUnit for a description of the units used for the value.


    The identity of the surface texture parameter.

    Related Functions

    Common Errors


    System::String^ GetSurfaceTextureParameterValueUnit(
    	System::Int64 face_id

    The GetSurfaceTextureParameterValueUnit() function returns the unit of the value of the surface texture parameter. See GetSurfaceTextureParameterName for a description of the allowed parameters. The most common units are micrometer and microinch


    The identity of the surface texture parameter.

    Related Functions

    Common Errors


    System::Int64 GetToleranceAllCount();
    System::Int64 GetToleranceAllNext(
    	System::Int64 index

    The GetToleranceAllCount() function returns a count of the number of tolerances defined in a STEP-NC model. The count includes the surface texture parameters, size dimensions and location dimensions as well as the geometry tolerances. The same broad definition for a tolerance is used for every function that applies to any type of tolerance. The IsGeometryTolerance, IsSizeDimension, IsLocationDimension and IsSurfaceTextureParameter functions can be used to select between the different types of tolerances.

    The GetToleranceAllNext() function returns the next tolerance in the STEP-NC model, which may be a surface texture parameter, size dimension, location dimension or geometric tolerance.


    The position of the tolerance in the list.

    Related Functions

    Common Errors


    System::Int64 GetToleranceAndToolFaceCount(
    	System::Int64 tol_id,
    	System::Int64 tool_id
    System::Int64 GetToleranceAndToolFaceNext(
    	System::Int64 tol_id,
    	System::Int64 tool_id,
    	System::Int64 index

    The GetToleranceAndToolFaceCount() function returns a count of the number of faces that are machined by a tool and constrained by a tolerance.

    The GetToleranceAndToolFaceNext() function returns the next face that is shared by a tolerance and tool. A face is shared if it is machined by a tool and constrained by the tolerance.


    Identity of the tolerance
    Identity of the cutting tool
    Position of the required face

    Related Functions

    Common Errors


    System::Int64 GetToleranceAppliedTo(
    	System::Int64 tol_id

    The GetToleranceAppliedTo() function returns the identity of the callout containing the faces that are constrained by the tolerance. If the tolerance is a location dimension then the id of the target callout is returned.


    Identity of the tolerance

    Related Functions

    Common Errors


    System::Int64 GetToleranceAppliedToOrigin(
    	System::Int64 tol_id

    The GetToleranceAppliedToOrigin() function returns the identity of the callout containing the faces that are constrained by the origin of a location tolerance.


    Identity of the tolerance

    Related Functions

    Common Errors


    System::Int64 GetToleranceAppliedToTarget(
    	System::Int64 tol_id

    The GetToleranceAppliedToTarget() function returns the identity of the callout containing the faces that are constrained by the target of a location tolerance.


    Identity of the tolerance

    Related Functions

    Common Errors


    System::Int64 GetToleranceDatumCount(	
    	System::Int64 tol_id
    System::Int64 GetToleranceDatumNext(
    	System::Int64 tol_id,
    	System::Int64 index
    string[] GetToleranceDatumAll(		
    	int tol_id

    The GetToleranceDatumCount() function returns the number of datums defined for a tolerance.

    The GetToleranceDatumNext() function returns the identity and of the next datum.


    Identity of the tolerance,
    Position of the required datum

    Related Functions

    Common Errors


    System::Int64 GetToleranceDatumModifierCount(
    	System::Int64 tol_id,
    	System::Int64 dat_id
    System::Int64 GetToleranceDatumModifierNext(
    	System::Int64 tol_id,
    	System::Int64 dat_id,
    	System::Int64 index

    The GetToleranceDatumModifierCount() function returns the number of modifiers defined for a datum in a tolerance.

    The GetToleranceDatumModifierNext() function returns the type of the next modifier on a datum as a string. The string will be one of the following values


    Identity of the tolerance,
    Identity of the datum,
    Position of the required datum

    Related Functions

    Common Errors


    System::String^ GetToleranceDatumNextLabel(
    	System::Int64 tol_id,
    	System::Int64 index

    The GetToleranceDatumNextLabel() function returns the label of the next datum. Because of the way the AddTolerance functions operate it is best if the label is a single character.


    Identity of the tolerance,
    Position of the required datum

    Related Functions

    Common Errors


    System::Int64 GetToleranceDatumSystem(
    	System::Int64 tol_id,
    void GetToleranceDatumSystemPut(
    	System::Int64 tol_id,
    	System::Int64 sys_id

    The GetToleranceDatumSystem() function returns the datum system that defines a tolerance. Many types of tolerances do not have a datum system and for others it is optional. The function returns 0 if the given tolerance does not have a system.

    The GetToleranceDatumSystemPut() function sets the datum system that defines a tolerance. The function raises an error if the given tolerance is not allowed a datum system.

    The following types of tolerances have a datum system. The datum system is sometimes optional for Line_profile, Position and Surface_profile tolerances. The others always require a datum system.


    Identity of the tolerance
    Identity of the datum system

    Related Functions

    Common Errors


    System::Boolean GetToleranceDefinedAreaUnit(
    	System::Int64 tol_id,
    	[System::Runtime::InteropServices::Out] double %value1,
    	[System::Runtime::InteropServices::Out] double %value2,
    	[System::Runtime::InteropServices::Out] System::String^ %area_type

    The GetToleranceDefinedAreaUnit() function returns true for tolerances with a defined area unit and fills parameters with both dimensions of the area as well as the area type.

    The area type will be an empty string or one of the following strings: "square", "circular", or "rectangular".


    System::Boolean GetToleranceDefinedUnit(
    	System::Int64 tol_id,
    	[System::Runtime::InteropServices::Out] double %value

    The GetToleranceDefinedUnit() function returns true for tolerances with a defined unit and fills a parameter with the linear dimension defined unit. This function will also work on a tolerance that has a defined area unit, but it will only return the first of the two dimensions. Use GetToleranceDefinedAreaUnit() first to check if a tolerance has an area unit.


    System::Int64 GetToleranceDraughtingCount (
    	System::Int64 tol_id
    System::Int64 GetToleranceDraughtingNext (
    	System::Int64 tol_id,
    	System::Int64 index

    The GetToleranceDraughtingCount() and GetToleranceDraughtingNext() functions return the ids of any presentation tolerances (polyline callouts) that are associated with a semantic tolerance.


    System::Int64 GetToleranceFaceCount(	
    	System::Int64 tol_id
    System::Int64 GetToleranceFaceNext(
    	System::Int64 tol_id,
    	System::Int64 index
    System::Int64 GetToleranceFaceLocalCount(
    	System::Int64 tol_id
    System::Int64 GetToleranceFaceLocalNext(
    	System::Int64 tol_id,
    	System::Int64 index
    int[] GetToleranceFaceAll(		
    	int tol_id

    The GetToleranceFaceCount() function returns the number of faces constrained by a tolerance. For a location tolerance these will be faces in both the origin and target of the tolerance.

    The Local versions get only the faces directly connected to the tolerance. The other versions get the faces directly and indirectly connected. In practice, the other versions are more useful.

    The functions return any type of geometric representation item connected to the tolerance not just faces.

    The GetToleranceFaceNext() function returns the next face constrained by a tolerance.


    Identity of the tolerance
    The position of the required face

    Related Functions

    Common Errors


    System::Int64 GetToleranceGeometryCount(
    	System::Int64 tol_id
    System::Int64 GetToleranceGeometryNext(
    	System::Int64 tol_id,
    	System::Int64 index

    The GetToleranceGeometryCount() function returns the number of surfaces in the faces constrained by a tolerance. For a location tolerance these will be surfaces in both the origin and target of the tolerance. This function is a shortcut that goes directly to the surfaces without requiring the application to first get the identity of the faces.

    The GetToleranceGeometryNext() function returns the next surface face constrained by a tolerance.


    Identity of the tolerance
    The position of the required surface

    Related Functions

    Common Errors


    System::Boolean GetToleranceMax(
    	System::Int64 tol_id,
    	[System::Runtime::InteropServices::Out] double %value

    The GetToleranceMax() function returns true for tolerances with a maximum tolerance value and fills a parameter with the value. Tolerances with this value should also have either a maximum material condition or least material condition modifier.


    System::Collections::Generic::List^ GetToleranceMeasuredAll(

    The GetToleranceMeasuredAll() function returns a list of the tolerances that have been measured.

    Related Functions

    Common Errors


    System::Collections::Generic::List^ GetToleranceMeasuredChangedAll(

    The GetToleranceChangedAll() function returns a list of the tolerances that have changed since the function was last called. The assumption is that the since the last call tolerances have been changed because of additional measurements that have been made.

    Related Functions

    Common Errors


    System::String^ GetToleranceMeasuredColor(
    	System::Int64 tol_id

    The GetToleranceMeasuredColor() function returns one of the following values.


    Identity of the tolerance

    Related Functions

    Common Errors


    System::Int64 GetToleranceMeasuredFaceColor(
    	System::Int64 tol_id
    	System::Int64 face_id
    System::Int64 GetToleranceMeasuredFaceAll(
    System::Int64 GetToleranceMeasuredFaceAllColor(

    The GetToleranceMeasuredFace functions returns a color for a face in a tolerance. If the face is not in any measured tolerances then the value returned is zero (0) for unknown. If the face is only in tolerances that are meeting their requirements then the value returned is one (1) for green. If the face is in tolerances that are both meeting and failing their requirements then the value returned is two (2) for yellow. If the face is only in tolerances that are failing their requirements then the value returned is three (3) for red.

    The GetToleranceMeasuredFaceColor function returns the color of a face with respect to a single tolerance so the value returned can never be yellow (2).

    The GetToleranceMeasuredFaceAll function returns a list of the faces that have a measured color. Only the colored faces are returned so the function is very efficient for applications that want to color a model.

    The GetToleranceMeasuredFaceAllColor function returns a list of the colors for the faces that have a measured color.


    Identity of the tolerance
    Identity of the face

    Related Functions

    Common Errors


    System::Boolean GetToleranceMeasuredValue(
    	System::Int64 tol_id,
    	[System::Runtime::InteropServices::Out] double %measured_value
    System::Boolean GetToleranceMeasuredValueLowerUpper(
    	System::Int64 tol_id,
    	[System::Runtime::InteropServices::Out] double %lower_value
    	[System::Runtime::InteropServices::Out] double %upper_value

    The GetToleranceMeasuredValue()/LoweUpper() functions returns the estimated value of a tolerance. The value is estimated from a series of touch points measured on the surface(s) of the tolerance.

    The GetToleranceMeasuredValue() function returns the estimated value of a geometric tolerance. For example, if the tolerance is a surface profile then this value is the maximum deviation from the required profile.

    The GetToleranceMeasuredValueLowerUpper() function returns the lower and upper estimated values of a size dimension or location dimension. For example, if the tolerance is a diameter size then the lower value is the smallest measured estimate and the upper value is the largest estimate.

    The functions return true if enough points have been measured to enable an estimate of the tolerance and false otherwise.


    Identity of the dimension or tolerance
    [out] The as-measured value of a geometric tolerance.
    [out] The as-measured lower value for a dimension (size or location).
    [out] The as-measured upper value for a dimension (size or location).

    Related Functions

    Common Errors


    System::Collections::Generic::List^ GetToleranceMeasuredProbeAllSets(
    	System::Int64 tol_id
    System::Collections::Generic::List^ GetToleranceMeasuredProbeAllColors(
    	System::Int64 tol_id

    The GetToleranceMeasuredProbe() functions returns color codings for the probe points that have been used to measure a tolerance. The points are graded as good ("green"), too deep ("red") or too shallow ("blue"). If they are "red" then too much material has been removed. If they are "blue" then too little material has been removed.

    The GetToleranceMeasuredProbe() functions return detail to help the user understand why a tolerance is meeting or not meeting its defined constraints.

    The GetToleranceMeasuredProbeAllSets() returns the identity of zero, one or more geometric sets. Each set will contain a list of probe points that have been assigned the same color.

    The GetToleranceMeasuredProbeAllColorss() returns the corresponding color for each set encoded as 1=green, 2=yellow (not used), 3=red and 4=blue.


    Identity of the dimension or tolerance

    Related Functions

    Common Errors


    System::Int64 GetToleranceModifierCount(	
    	System::Int64 tol_id,
    System::String^ GetToleranceModifierNext(
    	System::Int64 tol_id,
    	System::Int64 index
    string[] GetToleranceModifierAll(		
    	int tol_id

    The GetToleranceDatumModifierCount() function returns the number of modifiers defined for a tolerance.

    The GetToleranceModifierNext() function returns the type of the next modifier on a tolerance as a string. The modifiers will be one of the following strings:


    Identity of the tolerance,
    Position of the required modifier

    Related Functions

    Common Errors


    System::Int64 GetToleranceOriginFaceCount(
    	System::Int64 tol_id
    System::Int64 GetToleranceOriginFaceNext(
    	System::Int64 tol_id,
    	System::Int64 index
    System::Int64 GetToleranceOriginFaceLocalCount(
    	System::Int64 tol_id
    System::Int64 GetToleranceOriginFaceLocalNext(
    	System::Int64 tol_id,
    	System::Int64 index

    The GetToleranceOriginFaceCount() function returns the number of faces in the origin. Location dimensions describe a distance between an origin and target.

    The local versions get the faces directly connected to the dimension. In practice the other versions are more useful.

    The functions return any type of geometric representation item connected to the dimension not just faces.

    The GetToleranceOriginFaceNext() function returns the next face in the origin of a location dimension.


    Identity of the dimension
    The position of the required face

    Common Errors


    System::Int64 GetTolerancePlusMinus(	
    	System::Int64 tol_id,
    	[System::Runtime::InteropServices::Out] double %lower,
    	[System::Runtime::InteropServices::Out] double %upper
    object GetTolerancePlusMinus(		
    	int tol_id
    	flag: boolean,
    	lower: double,
    	upper: double

    The GetTolerancePlusMinus() function returns the upper and lower delta’s for a location or dimension tolerance. The function returns true if the tolerance has lower or upper values.


    Identity of the tolerance
    [out] The lower delta e.g -0.01
    [out] The upper delta e.g 0.005

    Related Functions

    Common Errors


    int GetTolerancePrecision(
    	System::Int64 tol_id

    The GetTolerancePrecision() function returns the number of digits allowed after the decimal point. The value may be represented as a precision quaifier (legacy) or as a value format type (prefered). In the latter case the value is decoded if the format is specified as described in Part 45 clause 6.4.14 for NR2 and NR5 control strings.


    Identity of the tolerance or dimension

    Related Functions

    Common Errors


    System::Int64 GetToleranceProbeCount(
    	System::Int64 tol_id
    System::Int64 GetToleranceProbeNext(
    	System::Int64 tol_id,
    	System::Int64 index

    The GetToleranceProbeCount() function returns the number of probing workingsteps that touch the face(s) in a tolerance.

    The GetToleranceProbeNext() function returns the next probing workingstep that touches a tolerance.


    Identity of the tolerance
    The position of the workingstep

    Common Errors


    System::Int64 GetToleranceRelatedToleranceCount (
    	System::Int64 tol_id
    System::Int64 GetToleranceRelatedToleranceNext (
    	System::Int64 tol_id,
    	System::Int64 index

    The GetToleranceRelatedToleranceCount() function

    The GetToleranceRelatedToleranceNext() function


    System::Int64 GetToleranceTargetFaceCount(
    	System::Int64 tol_id
    System::Int64 GetToleranceTargetFaceNext(
    	System::Int64 tol_id,
    	System::Int64 index
    System::Int64 GetToleranceTargetFaceLocalCount(
    	System::Int64 tol_id
    System::Int64 GetToleranceTargetFaceLocalNext(
    	System::Int64 tol_id,
    	System::Int64 index

    The GetToleranceTargetFaceCount() function returns the number of faces in the target. Location dimensions describe a distance between an origin and target.

    The local versions return only the faces directly connected to the tolerance. In practice the other versions are more useful.

    The functions return any type of geometric representation item not just faces.

    The GetToleranceFaceTargetNext() function returns the next face in the target of a location dimension.


    Identity of the tolerance
    The position of the required face

    Common Errors


    System::String^ GetToleranceType(
    	System::Int64 tol_id

    The GetToleranceType() function returns the type of the tolerance. See Finding Tolerance Data for a list of the allowed types. Each type is returned as an upper case string. The strings are documented in the Add functions for each type of tolerance. See for example AddTolerancePosition. In the API tolerances are classified into geometric tolerances, size dimension tolerances, location dimension tolerances and surface texture parameter tolerances. The type of a tolerance can be tested using the IsGeometricTolerance, IsSizeDimension, IsLocationDimension and IsSurfaceTextureParameter functions.


    Identity of the tolerance

    Related Functions

    Common Errors


    System::Boolean GetToleranceUnequal(
    	System::Int64 tol_id,
    	[System::Runtime::InteropServices::Out] double %value

    The GetToleranceUnequal() function returns true for tolerances that have an unequally-disposed tolerance zone Ⓤ and fills a parameter with the displacement value.


    System::String^ GetToleranceUnit(	
    	System::Int64 tol_id
    string GetToleranceUnit(		
    	int tol_id

    The GetToleranceUnit() function return the value unit (e.g in or mm) for a tolerance.


    Identity of the tolerance

    Related Functions

    Common Errors


    double GetToleranceValue(
    	System::Int64 tol_id

    The GetToleranceValue() function returns the defined or nominal value of the tolerance or dimension.


    Identity of the tolerance

    Related Functions

    Common Errors


    string GetToleranceValueFormatType(
    	System::Int64 tol_id

    The GetToleranceValueFormatType() function returns the format type of a string. As per Part 45. 6.4.14, this format should conform to the requirements of an NR2 or NR5 control string.


    Identity of the tolerance or dimension

    Related Functions

    Common Errors


    string GetToleranceZone(
    	System::Int64 tol_id

    The GetToleranceZone() function returns the type of the tolerance zone. The default is for the tolerance to be measured over a plane. The zone must be set if the geometry to be measured is not a plane. The following values are also allowed, some of them may or may not make sense depending on the type of tolerance or dimension being measured.


    Identity of the tolerance or dimension

    Related Functions

    Common Errors


    double GetToolCurrentDiameter(
    	System::Int64 tl_id,
    	[System::Runtime::InteropServices::Out] System::Boolean %nominal_set,
    	[System::Runtime::InteropServices::Out] System::Boolean %current_set,
    	[System::Runtime::InteropServices::Out] double %nominal_value

    The GetToolCurrentDiameter() function returns the current value of the diameter as last measured. The STEP-NC API stores two values for the tool diameter. The nominal value is the value defined by the CAM system. The current value is the as measured value of the tool obtained from an ISO13399 tool database, by measuring the tool on the machine, or by applying computations to the tolerance measurements machined by the tool and calculating an adjustment tht will compensate for any errors.


    Identity of the toool
    [out] True if tool has a nominal diameter
    [out] True if tolerance has a measured diameter
    [out] The nominal value (also returned by the GetToolDiameter function of the Finder object).

    Related Functions

    Common Errors


    double GetToolCurrentLength(
    	System::Int64 tl_id,
    	[System::Runtime::InteropServices::Out] System::Boolean %nominal_set,
    	[System::Runtime::InteropServices::Out] System::Boolean %current_set,
    	[System::Runtime::InteropServices::Out] double %nominal_value

    The GetToolCurrentLength() function returns the current value of the length as last measured. The STEP-NC API stores two values for the tool length. The nominal value is the value defined by the CAM system. The current value is the as measured value of the tool obtained from an ISO13399 tool database, by measuring the tool on the machine, or by applying computations to the tolerance measurements machined by the tool and calculating an adjustment tht will compensate for any errors.


    Identity of the toool
    [out] True if tool has a nominal length
    [out] True if tolerance has a measured length
    [out] The nominal value (also returned by the GetToolLength function of the Finder object).

    Related Functions

    Common Errors


    double GetToolCurrentRadius(
    	System::Int64 tl_id,
    	[System::Runtime::InteropServices::Out] System::Boolean %nominal_set,
    	[System::Runtime::InteropServices::Out] System::Boolean %current_set,
    	[System::Runtime::InteropServices::Out] double %nominal_value

    The GetToolCurrentRadius() function returns the current value of the radius as last measured. The STEP-NC API stores two values for the tool radius. The nominal value is the value defined by the CAM system. The current value is the as measured value of the tool obtained from an ISO13399 tool database, by measuring the tool on the machine, or by applying computations to the tolerance measurements machined by the tool and calculating an adjustment tht will compensate for any errors. The radius of a tool describes the radius of the fillet between the length and the diameter and is sometimes known more precisely as the corner radius.


    Identity of the toool
    [out] True if tool has a nominal corner radius value
    [out] True if tolerance has a measured corner radius value
    [out] The nominal value (also returned by the GetToolCornerRadius function of the Finder object).

    Related Functions

    Common Errors


    double GetToolDiameterAdvice(
    	System::Int64 tool_id,
    	[System::Runtime::InteropServices::Out] System::Boolean %advice_given

    The GetToolDiameterAdvice() function returns the recommended change for the tool diameter. The tool diameter advice is a recommendation for an adjustment that will correct the errors found in the tolerances of the faces machined by the tool. If possible the recommendations given are ones that will adjust the measured values of the all tolerances machined by the tool to the mid point of their defined range. If one value will not correct them all then an average is computed.


    Identity of the toool
    [out] The system has some advice to recommend because one or more faces machined by the tool are not in tolerance.

    Related Functions

    Common Errors


    System::String^ GetToolDiameterAdviceStatus(
    	System::Int64 tool_id

    The GetToolDiameterAdviceStatus() function decides if the user has accepted the given advice by changing the current value of the tool diameter. The tool diameter advice is a recommendation for an adjustment that will correct the errors found in the tolerances of the faces machined by the tool.


    Identity of the toool

    Related Functions

    Common Errors


    double GetToolLengthAdvice(
    	System::Int64 tool_id,
    	[System::Runtime::InteropServices::Out] System::Boolean %advice_given

    The GetToolLengthAdvice() function returns the recommended change for the tool length. The tool length advice is a recommendation for an adjustment that will correct the errors found in the tolerances of the faces machined by the tool. If possible the recommendations given are ones that will adjust the measured values of the tolerances to the mid point of their defined range. If one value will not correct them all then an average is computed.


    Identity of the toool
    [out] The system is able to recommend an adjustment because one or more faces machined by the tool are not in tolerance.

    Related Functions

    Common Errors


    System::String^ GetToolLengthAdviceStatus(
    	System::Int64 tool_id

    The GetToolLengthAdviceStatus() function decides if the user has accepted the given advice by changing the current value of the tool length. The tool length advice is a recommendation for an adjustment that will correct the errors found in the tolerances of the faces machined by the tool.


    Identity of the toool

    Related Functions

    Common Errors


    double GetToolRadiusAdvice(
    	System::Int64 tool_id,
    	[System::Runtime::InteropServices::Out] System::Boolean %advice_given

    The GetToolRadiusAdvice() function returns the recommended change for the tool corner radius. The tool radius advice is a recommendation for an adjustment that will correct the errors found in the tolerances of the faces machined by the tool. If possible the recommendations given are ones that will adjust the measured values of the tolerances to the mid point of their defined range. If one value will not correct them all then an average is computed. The radius of a tool describes the radius of the fillet between the length and the diameter and is sometimes known more precisely as the corner radius.


    Identity of the toool
    [out] The system is able to recommend an adjustment because one or more faces machined by the tool are not in tolerance.

    Related Functions

    Common Errors


    System::String^ GetToolRadiusAdviceStatus(
    	System::Int64 tool_id

    The GetToolRadiusAdviceStatus() function decides if the user has accepted the given advice by changing the current value of the tool radius. The tool radius advice is a recommendation for an adjustment that will correct the errors found in the tolerances of the faces machined by the tool. The tool radius defined the radius of a fillet between the length and the diameter and is more aptly described as the corner radius.


    Identity of the toool

    Related Functions

    Common Errors


    System::Int64 GetWorkingstepFaceCount(
    	System::Int64 ws_id
    System::Int64 GetWorkingstepFaceNext(
    	System::Int64 ws_id,
    	System::Int64 index

    The GetWorkingstepFaceCount() function returns the number of faces machined during this workingstep. To be counted the face must belong to process manufacturing feature of the workingstep. The GetFeatureFaceCount function of the finder object provides similar functionality but it returns the faces belonging to both the process feature and the final features.

    The GetWorkingstepFaceNext() function returns the next face machined by this workingstep.


    The identity of the workingstep.
    The position of the face.

    Related Functions

    Common Errors


    System::String^ GetWorkplanProbeFeatureUUID(
    	System::Int64 wp_id
    void SetWorkplanProbeFeatureUUID(
    	System::Int64 wp_id,
    	System::String^ uuid
    System::String^ GetWorkingstepProbePointUUID(
    	System::Int64 ws_id
    void SetWorkingstepProbePointUUID(
    	System::Int64 ws_id,
    	System::String^ uuid

    The GetWorkplanProbeFeatureUUID() function gets the identity of the feature measured by a workplan containing probing workinsteps.

    The GetWorkingstepProbePointUUID() function gets the identity of the point measured by a probing workinstep.

    The Setxxx functions allow the identifier to be updated when a probing program migrates between versions. You must determine when the feature and/or points are the same between versions.


    The identity of the workingstep.
    The identity of the workplan.
    The universally unique identifier.

    Related Functions

    Functions to get and set the UUID of an object are in the APT library.

    Common Errors


    System::Int64 GetWorkingstepToleranceCount(
    	System::Int64 ws_id
    System::Int64 GetWorkingstepToleranceNext(
    	System::Int64 ws_id,
    	System::Int64 index

    The GetWorkingstepToleranceCount() function returns the number of tolerances machined during this workingstep. To be counted the tolerance must have at least one face in common with the manufacturing feature of the workingstep. The tolerance count includes size dimensions, location dimensions and surface texture parameters.

    The GetWorkingstepToleranceNext() function returns the next tolerance machined by this workingstep. To be counted the tolerance must have at least one face in common with the manufacturing feature of the workingstep. The tolerance can be a size dimension, location dimension or surface texture parameters.


    The identity of the workingstep.
    The position of the next tolerance

    Related Functions

    Common Errors


    System::Int64 GetWorkpieceCalloutCount (
    	System::Int64 wp_id
    System::Int64 GetWorkpieceCalloutNext (
    	System::Int64 wp_id,
    	System::Int64 index
    	[System::Runtime::InteropServices::Out] System::String^ %callout_name

    The GetWorkpieceCalloutCount() function

    The GetWorkpieceCalloutNext() function


    System::Int64 GetWorkpieceTreeDatumCount(	
    	System::Int64 wp_id
    System::Int64 GetWorkpieceTreeDatumAllNext(
    	System::Int64 wp_id,
    	System::Int64 index
    int[] GetWorkpieceTreeDatumAll(			
    	int wp_id
    System::Int64 GetWorkpieceDatumCount(	
    	System::Int64 wp_id
    System::Int64 GetWorkpieceDatumAllNext(
    	System::Int64 wp_id,
    	System::Int64 index
    int[] GetWorkpieceDatumAll(			
    	int wp_id

    The GetWorkpieceTreeDatumCount/Next/All() functions gets all the datums on a workpiece including any subassemblies For most STEP-NC applications this is the more useful function. The exception is if you are writing code to traverse the details of the components in an assembly tree and in this case the GetWorkpieceDatumCount/Next/All() functions are more useful.


    The identity of the workpiece. See the GetWorkpieceID, GetFixtureID, GetRawpiceID and GetToolProductID functions of the Finder object, or the GetCurrentWorkpiece, GetCurrentRawpiece, GetCurrentFixture and GetCurrentTool functions of the APT object.
    The position of the next datum.

    Related Functions

    Common Errors


    int[] GetWorkpieceDatumSystemAll(	
    	System::Int64 wp_id

    The GetWorkpieceDatumSystemAll() functions returns all the datum systems containing a datum on this workpiece.


    The identity of the workpiece.

    Related Functions

    Common Errors


    System::Int64 GetWorkpieceDraughtingCount (
    	System::Int64 wp_id
    System::Int64 GetWorkpieceDraughtingNext (
    	System::Int64 wp_id,
    	System::Int64 index

    The GetWorkpieceDraughting functions return the draughting callouts on a workpiece and its sub-assemblies.


    System::Int64 GetWorkpieceFaceCount(
    	System::Int64 wp_id
    System::Int64 GetWorkpieceFaceNext(
    	System::Int64 wp_id,
    	System::Int64 index
    System::Collections::Generic::List^ GetWorkpieceFaceAll(
    	System::Int64 wp_id

    The GetWorkpieceFaceCount() function returns the number of faces on the workpiece.

    The GetWorkpieceFaceNext() function iterates over the faces and returns the one at a given index.

    The GetWorkpieceFaceAll() function returns all the faces in a collection.

    The finder object has a range of functions to get the different types of workpieces. In STEP-NC workpieces can represent the rawpiece, the fixture and the cutting tools as well as the part being machined by the program.


    The identity of the workpiece. See the GetWorkpieceID, GetFixtureID, GetRawpiceID and GetToolProductID functions of the Finder object, or the GetCurrentWorkpiece, GetCurrentRawpiece, GetCurrentFixture and GetCurrentTool functions of the APT object.
    The position of the next face.

    Related Functions

    Common Errors


    System::Int64 GetWorkpieceGeometricSetCount(
    	System::Int64 wp_id
    System::Int64 GetWorkpieceGeometricSetNext(
    	System::Int64 wp_id,
    	System::Int64 index

    The GetWorkpieceGeometricSetCount() function returns the number of elements in a geometric set. A geometric set is a set of geometry that can be associated with a workpiece. For example it might describe a set of points that are to be measured.

    The GetWorkpieceGeometricSetNext() function returns the next element of the geometric set.


    The identity of the workpiece. See the GetWorkpieceID, GetFixtureID, GetRawpiceID and GetToolProductID functions of the Finder object, or the GetCurrentWorkpiece, GetCurrentRawpiece, GetCurrentFixture and GetCurrentTool functions of the APT object.
    The position of the next set.

    Related Functions

    Common Errors


    System::Int64 GetWorkpieceGeometricSetPointCount(
    	System::Int64 set_id
    System::String^ GetWorkpieceGeometricSetPointNext(
    	System::Int64 set_id,
    	System::Int64 index,
    	[System::Runtime::InteropServices::Out] double %x,
    	[System::Runtime::InteropServices::Out] double %y,
    	[System::Runtime::InteropServices::Out] double %z

    The GetWorkpieceGeometricSetPointCount() function returns the number of points in the geometric set. A geometric set is a set of geometry that can be associated with a workpiece. For example it might describe a set of points that are to be measured.

    The GetWorkpieceGeometricSetPointNext() function returns the next point in a geometric set. The return value is the name of the point (or null) and the coordinates are returned as out parameters.


    The identity of the geometric set.
    The position of the next point.
    x, y, z
    [out] The coordinates of the point.

    Related Functions

    Common Errors


    double Tolerance::GetWorkpieceHardnessValue (
        System::Int64 wp_id
    System::String^ Tolerance::GetWorkpieceHardnessMeasurementMethod (
        System::Int64 wp_id
    System::Boolean Tolerance::GetWorkpieceHardnessSet (
        System::Int64 wp_id

    The GetWorkpieceHardnessValue() function returns the hardness of a workpiece.

    The GetWorkpieceHardnessMeasurementMethod() function returns the measurement method that should be used to interpret the value.

    The GetWorkpieceHardnessSet() function returns true if the hardness has been set


    The identity of the workpiece. If no value is given then the system will find the first product of the project.

    Related Functions


    System::String^ Tolerance::GetWorkpieceMaterialName (
        System::Int64 wp_id
    System::String^ Tolerance::GetWorkpieceMaterialStandard (
        System::Int64 wp_id
    System::Boolean Tolerance::GetWorkpieceMaterialSet (
        System::Int64 wp_id

    The GetWorkpieceMaterialName) function returns the material of a workpiece.

    The GetWorkpieceMaterialStandard() function returns the standard that defines the value given for the material name.

    The GetWorkpieceMaterialSet() function returns true if the workpiece material has been set.


    The identity of the workpiece. If no value is given then the system will find the first product of the project.

    Related Functions


    System::String^ Tolerance::GetWorkpieceTreatmentType (
        System::Int64 wp_id
    System::String^ Tolerance::GetWorkpieceTreatmentValue (
        System::Int64 wp_id
    System::Boolean Tolerance::GetWorkpieceTreatmentSet (
        System::Int64 wp_id

    The GetWorkpieceTreatmentType) function returns the treatment type applied to a workpiece, for example, "heat"

    The GetWorkpieceTreatmentValue() function returns the value defined for the treatment.

    The GetWorkpieceTreatmentSet() function returns true if a treatment has been set for the workpiec.


    The identity of the workpiece. If no value is given then the system will find the first product of the project.

    Related Functions


    System::Int64 GetWorkpieceOfDatum(
    	System::Int64 dat_id

    The GetWorkpieceOfDatum() function returns the workpiece of a datum.


    The identity of the datum.

    Related Functions

    Common Errors


    System::Int64 GetWorkpieceOfTolerance(	
    	System::Int64 tol_id
    int GetWorkpieceOfTolerance(		
    	int tol_id

    The GetWorkpieceOfTolerance() function returns the workpiece of a tolerance.


    The identity of the datum.

    Related Functions

    Common Errors


    System::Int64 GetWorkpieceTreeToleranceCount(		System::Int64 wp_id
    System::Int64 GetWorkpieceTreeToleranceNext(
    	System::Int64 wp_id,
    	System::Int64 index
    int[] GetWorkpieceTreeToleranceAll(			
    	int wp_id
    System::Int64 GetWorkpieceToleranceCount(		System::Int64 wp_id
    System::Int64 GetWorkpieceToleranceNext(
    	System::Int64 wp_id,
    	System::Int64 index
    int[] GetWorkpieceToleranceAll(			
    	int wp_id

    The GetWorkpieceTreeTolerance() functions return the tolerances defined on a workpiece and its sub-assemblies. The tolerances include surface texture parameters, size dimensions, location dimensions and geometric tolerances. To be defined on a workpiece the tolerance must be applied to faces that belong to the workpiece.

    The GetWorkpieceTolerance() functions get the same results but without visiting any sub-assemblies.


    The identity of the workpiece. See the GetWorkpieceID, GetFixtureID, GetRawpiceID and GetToolProductID functions of the Finder object, or the GetCurrentWorkpiece, GetCurrentRawpiece, GetCurrentFixture and GetCurrentTool functions of the APT object.
    The position of the next tolerance.

    Related Functions


    System::Int64 GetWorkpieceToleranceFaceCount(
    	System::Int64 wp_id
    System::Int64 GetWorkpieceToleranceFaceNext(
    	System::Int64 wp_id,
    	System::Int64 index

    The GetWorkpieceToleranceFaceCount() function returns the number of toleranced faces on the workpiece. The faces can belong to any of the tolerances defined in the model. In STEP-NC all of the faces in the same tolerance must belong to the same workpiece.

    The GetWorkpieceToleranceFaceNext() function returns the next toleranced face on the workpiece.


    The identity of the workpiece.
    The position of the next face.

    Related Functions

    Common Errors


    System::Int64 GetWorkpieceUnusedCalloutCount (
    	System::Int64 wp_id
    System::Int64 GetWorkpieceUnusedCalloutNext (
    	System::Int64 wp_id,
    	System::Int64 index
    	[System::Runtime::InteropServices::Out] System::String^ %callout_name

    The GetWorkpieceUnusedCallout functions returns a list of the "orphaned" draughting callouts on a workpiece that are not attached to a specific tolerance or datum.


    System::Int64 GetWorkplanFaceCount(
    	System::Int64 wp_id
    System::Int64 GetWorkplanFaceNext(
    	System::Int64 wp_id,
    	System::Int64 index

    The GetWorkplanFaceCount() function returns the number of faces machined during this workplan. To be counted the face must belong to a manufacturing feature of one of the workingsteps in the workplan. Any nested workplans in the given workplan will also be searched. The functionality of GetWorkplanFaceCount is similar to the GetFeatureFaceNext function of the Finder object but only process feature faces are found in Tolerance, final features are ignored.

    The GetWorkplanFaceNext() function returns the next tolerance machined by this workplan.


    The identity of the workplan.
    The position of the next face.

    Related Functions

    Common Errors


    System::Int64 GetWorkplanToleranceCount(
    	System::Int64 wp_id
    System::Int64 GetWorkplanToleranceNext(
    	System::Int64 wp_id,
    	System::Int64 index

    The GetWorkplanToleranceCount() function returns the number of tolerances machined during this workplan. To be counted the tolerance must have at least one face in common with the manufacturing feature of one of the workingsteps in the workplan. Any nested workplans in the given workplan will also be searched. The tolerance count includes size dimensions, location dimensions and surface texture parameters.

    The GetWorkplanToleranceNext() function returns the next tolerance machined by this workingstep. To be counted the tolerance must have at least one face in common with the manufacturing feature of a workingstep somewhere in the workplan. The tolerance can be a size dimension, location dimension or surface texture parameters.


    The identity of the workplan.
    The position of the next tolerance

    Related Functions

    Common Errors


    void ImportProbeResultData(
    	System::String^ filename,
    	System::String^ unit

    The ImportProbeResultData() function reads result data for the probing operations in a project.


    Name of the file that holds the result data.
    Unit (e.g. in or mm) for the coordinates of the point data

    Related Functions

    Common Errors


    System::String^ ImportUsingConfiguration(
    	System::String^ config_file_name

    The ImportUsingConfiguration() function finds each of the files references by the XML file and converts it into the type of workpiece described by that file. The function returns the name of the AP238 file made by the configuration.

    The XML file also recreates the associations between the operations in the machining program and the faces on the workpieces. A STEP-NC file can be divided into components to allow for individual editing by CAD and CAM systems. This command reassembles the STEP-NC file after it has been edited. The XML file used by this command contains a description of all of the data.


    File name
    The XML file describing the configuration.

    Related Functions

    Common Errors


    System::Boolean IsGeometricTolerance(
    	System::Int64 tol_id

    The IsGeometricTolerance() function returns true if the tolerance is geometric. A tolerance may be a geometric tolerance, a size dimension, a location dimension or a suface texture parameter. See Finding Tolerance Data for a list of the types allowed under each category.


    Identity of the tolerance

    Related Functions

    Common Errors


    System::Boolean IsLocationDimension(
    	System::Int64 tol_id

    The IsLocationDimension() function returns true if the tolerance is a location dimension. A tolerance may be a geometric tolerance, a size dimension, a location dimension or a suface texture parameter.


    Identity of the tolerance

    Related Functions

    Common Errors


    System::Boolean IsSizeDimension(
    	System::Int64 tol_id

    The IsSizeDimension() function returns true if the tolerance is a size dimension. A tolerance may be a geometric tolerance, a size dimension, a location dimension or a suface texture parameter.


    Identity of the tolerance

    Related Functions

    Common Errors


    System::Boolean IsSurfaceTextureParameter(
    	System::Int64 tol_id

    The IsSurfaceTextureParameter() function returns a true (1) if the given identity is for a surface texture parameter. A tolerance may be a geometric tolerance, a size dimension, a location dimension or a suface texture parameter.


    Identity of the tolerance

    Related Functions

    Common Errors


    System::Boolean IsTolerance(
    	System::Int64 tol_id
    System::Boolean IsDatum(
    	System::Int64 tol_id

    The IsTolerance() function returns true if the entity is any kind of tolerance including a geometric tolerance, a size dimension, or a location dimension or a suface texture parameter.

    The IsDatum() function returns true if the entity is any kind of datum.


    Identity of the tolerance

    Related Functions

    Common Errors


    System::Int64 IsToleranceFace(
    	System::Int64 face_id
    System::Int64 IsDatumFace(
    	System::Int64 face_id

    The IsToleranceFace() function returns the identity of the first tolerance on this face. A face may be in many types of tolerances so the selection of the tolerance returned is randon. If the face If no tolerance is found then 0 is returned.

    The IsDatumFace() function returns the identity of the first datum on this face. A face is usually in zero or one datums. If no datum is found then 0 is returned.


    Identity of the face

    Related Functions

    Common Errors


    System::Int64 MTConnectTestPointResult(
    	System::String^ feature_uuid,
    	System::Int64 order,
    	System::Int64 count,
    	double x,
    	double y,
    	double z
    System::String^ MTConnectTestPointResult(
    	System::String^ feature_uuid,
    	System::Int64 order,
    	System::Int64 count,
    	double distance

    The MTConnectReportProbeResult() functions report the measured position of a probe point. The probe value can be reported as xyz coordinates or as a distance travelled from the start point. The functions lookup the feature being measured and when all the probe points have been reported they compute estimates for the tolerances that apply to that feature. If tolerances are evaluated then the function returns (1) otherwise it returns 0.


    The UUID of the feature being measured.
    The order of this probe point within the count.
    The total count of the probe points on this feature.
    The as-measured coordinates of the probe point.
    The distance travelled to the probe point.

    Related Functions

    Common Errors


    System::String^ MTConnectTestPointResult(
    	System::Int64 face_id,
    	System::Int64 index,
    	double x,
    	double y,
    	double z
    System::String^ MTConnectTestPerfectResult(
    	System::Int64 face_id,
    	System::Int64 index

    The MTConnectTest() functions return the MTConnect test results for a touch point on the face. The results are returned for a given point or for the perfect point if the probe touched the surface at exactly the planned location.

    The results are returned in a string in the SHDR format


    The identity of the face.
    The position of the next touch point.

    Related Functions

    Common Errors


    System::String^ MTConnectWorkingstepProbeResult(
    	System::Int64 ws_id,
    	double measured_x,
    	double measrued_y,
    	double measured_z

    The MTConnectWorkingstepProbeResult() functions return the MTConnect result for a single touch point in the SHDR format


    The identity of the workingstep.
    As measured point values.

    Related Functions

    Common Errors


    System::Int64 NavigateFaceToCalloutCount (
    	System::Int64 face_id
    System::Int64 NavigateFaceToCalloutNext (
    	System::Int64 face_id,
    	System::Int64 index
    System::Collections::Generic::List^ NavigateFaceToCalloutAll(
    	System::Int64 face_id,

    The NavigateFaceToCalloutCount() function returns the number of callouts that are defined for this face.

    The NavigateFaceToCalloutNext() function returns the selected callout defined for a face.

    The NavigateFaceToCalloutAll() function returns all the callouts defined for a face.


    System::Collections::Generic::List^ NavigateFaceToDatumAll(
    	System::Int64 face_id,

    The NavigateFaceToDatumAll() function returns all the datums defined on a face.


    System::Int64 NavigateFaceToProbingCount(
    	System::Int64 face_id
    System::Int64 NavigateFaceToProbingNext(
    	System::Int64 face_id,
    	System::Int64 index

    The NavigateFaceToProbingCount() function returns the number of probing operations that test the location of a face.

    The NavigateFaceToProbingNext() function returns the next probing operation that touches a face. After evaluating the results of all the probing operations for a face, a function can determine an estimate for the tolerances of that face and set their measured values using the PutMeasuredValue function. Other functions can then determine how to compensate the dimensions of the tools to correct any errors in the tolerances.


    The identity of the face.
    The position of the next probing operation.

    Related Functions

    Common Errors


    System::Int64 NavigateFaceToToleranceCount(
    	System::Int64 face_id
    System::Int64 NavigateFaceToToleranceNext(
    	System::Int64 face_id,
    	System::Int64 index
    System::Collections::Generic::List^ NavigateFaceToToleranceAll(
    	System::Int64 face_id,

    The NavigateFaceToToleranceCount() function returns the number of tolerances that are applied to a face. The tolerances can be geometric, size dimension, location dimension and surface texture parameters

    The NavigateFaceToToleranceNext() function returns the next tolerance applied to a face.

    The NavigateFaceToToleranceAll() function returns a list of the tolerances applied to a face.


    The identity of the face.
    The position of the tolerance.

    Related Functions

    Common Errors


    System::Int64 NavigateFaceToToolCount(
    	System::Int64 face_id
    System::Int64 NavigateFaceToToolNext(
    	System::Int64 face_id,
    	System::Int64 index

    The NavigateFaceToToolCount() function returns the number of tools that machine a face. The tools are determined by looking at the faces belonging to the feature of each workingstep.

    The NavigateFaceToToolNext() function returns the next tool that machined a face.


    The identity of the face.
    The position of the next tool.

    Related Functions

    Common Errors


    System::Int64 NavigateFaceToWorkingstepCount(
    	System::Int64 face_id
    System::Int64 NavigateFaceToWorkingstepNext(
    	System::Int64 face_id,
    	System::Int64 index

    The NavigateFaceToWorkingstepCount() function returns the number of workingstep that machine a face.

    The NavigateFaceToWorkingstepNext() function returns the next tool that machines a face. The finder object contains many functions for manipulating workingsteps.


    The identity of the face.
    The position of the next workingstep.

    Related Functions

    Common Errors


    System::Int64 NavigateFeatureToToleranceCount(
    	System::Int64 fea_id
    System::Int64 NavigateFeatureToToleranceNext(
    	System::Int64 fea_id,
    	System::Int64 index

    The NavigateFeatureToToleranceCount() function returns the number of tolerances applied to the faces in a feature.

    The NavigateFeatureToToleranceNext() function returns the next tolerance that applies to a feature.


    The identity of the feature.
    The position of the next tolerance.

    Related Functions

    Common Errors


    System::Int64 NavigateFeatureToToolCount(
    	System::Int64 fea_id
    System::Int64 NavigateFeatureToToolNext(
    	System::Int64 fea_id,
    	System::Int64 index

    The NavigateFeatureToToolCount() function returns the number of tools that operate on a feature.

    The NavigateFeatureToToolNext() function returns the next tool that operates on a feature.


    The identity of the feature.
    The position of the next tool.

    Related Functions

    Common Errors


    System::Int64 NavigateFeatureToWorkingstepCount(
    	System::Int64 fea_id
    System::Int64 NavigateFeatureToWorkingstepNext(
    	System::Int64 fea_id,
    	System::Int64 index

    The NavigateFeatureToWorkingstepCount() function returns the number of workingsteps that operate on a feature.

    The NavigateFeatureToWorkingstepNext() function returns the next workingstep that operates on a feature.


    The identity of the feature.
    The position of the next workingstep.

    Related Functions

    Common Errors


    System::Int64 NavigateToleranceAndToolToWorkingstepCount(
    	System::Int64 tol_id,
    	System::Int64 tool_id
    System::Int64 NavigateToleranceAndToolToWorkingstepNext(
    	System::Int64 tol_id,
    	System::Int64 tool_id,
    	System::Int64 index

    The NavigateToleranceAndToolToWorkingstepCount() function returns the number of workingsteps that machine a particular tolerance using a particular tool.

    The NavigateToleranceAndToolToWorkingstepNext() function returns the next workingstep that machines a tolerance using a given tool. The finder object contains many functions for manipulating workingsteps.


    The identity of the tolerance.
    The identify of the tool.
    The position of the tolerance.

    Related Functions

    Common Errors


    System::Int64 NavigateToleranceToFeatureCount(
    	System::Int64 tol_id
    System::Int64 NavigateToleranceToFeatureNext(
    	System::Int64 tol_id,
    	System::Int64 index

    The NavigateToleranceToFeatureCount() function returns the number of features that use a tolerance.

    The NavigateToleranceToFeatureNext() function returns the next tool that machines a tolerance. The finder object contains many functions for manipulating tools.


    The identity of the tolerance.
    The position of the required feature.

    Related Functions

    Common Errors


    System::Int64 NavigateToleranceToToolCount(
    	System::Int64 tol_id
    System::Int64 NavigateToleranceToToolNext(
    	System::Int64 tol_id,
    	System::Int64 index

    The NavigateToleranceToToolCount() function returns the number of tools that machine a particular face.

    The NavigateToleranceToToolNext() function returns the next tool that machines a tolerance. The finder object contains many functions for manipulating tools.


    The identity of the tolerance.
    The position of the tolerance.

    Related Functions

    Common Errors


    System::Int64 NavigateToleranceToWorkingstepCount(
    	System::Int64 tol_id
    System::Int64 NavigateToleranceToWorkingstepNext(
    	System::Int64 tol_id,
    	System::Int64 index

    The NavigateToleranceToWorkingstepCount() function returns the number of workingsteps that machine a particular tolerance.

    The NavigateToleranceToWorkingstepNext() function returns the next workingstep that machines a tolerance.


    The identity of the tolerance.
    The position of the tolerance.

    Related Functions

    Common Errors


    System::Int64 NavigateToolToFaceCount(
    	System::Int64 tool_id
    System::Int64 NavigateToolToFaceNext(
    	System::Int64 tool_id,
    	System::Int64 index

    The NavigateToolToFaceCount() function returns the number of faces machined by a tool. The number of faces is determined by the features in the workingsteps that use the tool.

    The NavigateToolToFaceNext() function returns the next face machined by a tool.


    The identity of the tool.
    The position of the next face.

    Related Functions

    Common Errors


    System::Int64 NavigateToolToToleranceCount(
    	System::Int64 tool_id
    System::Int64 NavigateToolToToleranceNext(
    	System::Int64 tool_id,
    	System::Int64 index

    The NavigateToolToToleranceCount() function returns the number of tolerances machined by a tool. The number of tolerances is determined by the faces in the features in the workingsteps that use the tool and the faces in tolerances. In order to be counted the tolerance and feature must have at least one face in common

    The NavigateToolToToleranceNext() function returns the next tolerance machined by a tool.


    The identity of the tool.
    The position of the next tolerance.

    Related Functions

    Common Errors


    System::Int64 NavigateToolToWorkingstepCount(
    	System::Int64 tool_id
    System::Int64 NavigateToolToWorkingstepNext(
    	System::Int64 tool_id,
    	System::Int64 index

    The NavigateToolToWorkingstepCount() function returns the number of workingsteps that use a tool. The same tool may be used by many different workingsteps.

    The NavigateToolToWorkingstepNext() function returns the next workingstep that uses a tool.


    The identify of the tool.
    The position of the next workingstep.

    Related Functions

    Common Errors


    void PickToolpath(
    	System::Int64 ws_id,
    	System::Int64 tp_id,
    	double ws_param,
    	double tp_param,
    	double x,
    	double y,
    	double z

    The PickToolpath() function


    System::Int64 PlanAnyProbing(
    	System::Int64 wp_id,
    	System::Int64 index,
    	System::String^ wp_name,
    	System::Int64 face_id,
    	System::Int64 point_count,
    	double edge_tol

    The PlanAnyProbing() function creates probing workingsteps to test the position and surface profile of any type of surface.

    The probing operations are put into a new nested workplan that is created by the function. All of the probing operations are made to operate on a new feature that contains the face being probed.

    The number of points generated depends on the available area on the surface. It also depends on the size of the edge_tol because the points generated should not be within this distance of the edge. Provided these conditions can be met then point_count points will be geneated. If not then fewer points will be created. The number so made will be returned by the function. The PlanBSplineProbing(), PlanCylinderProbing() and PlanPlaneProbing() functions create probing points in regular grids. PlanAnyProbing selects points at random from the underlying mesh and tries to keep them well spaced.


    The workplan that is to contain the new nested workplan.
    Name for the new workplan
    The position where the new workplan is to be placed. -1 means at the start, 0 means after the current first executable, any number greater than the current size means at the end of the workplan.
    The identity of a face.
    The desired number points.
    A desired minimum distance from the boundary for any point chosen on the face.

    Related Functions

    Common Errors


    System::Int64 PlanBSplineProbing(
    	System::Int64 wp_id,
    	System::Int64 index,
    	System::String^ wp_name,
    	System::Int64 face_id,
    	System::Int64 num_u_points,
    	System::Int64 num_v_points

    The PlanBSplineProbing() function creates probing workingsteps to test the location and profile of a b-spline surface, and returns the identity of the new feature that contains the spline face.

    The probing operations are put into a new nested workplan that is created by the function. All of the probing operations are made to operate on a new feature that contains the face being probed. Ideally one probe point is generated for each u, v combination. For example, if u is 3 and v is 5 then there will be 15 points. However, if the point is inside a hole, or outside the boundary of the face then it will be omitted. If necessary the location of the u and v can be nudged using the PlanSetDeltaUandV function.


    The workplan that is to contain the new nested workplan.
    Name for the new workplan
    The position where the new workplan is to be placed. -1 means at the start, 0 means after the current first executable, any number greater than the current size means at the end of the workplan.
    The identity of a face defined on a b-spline.
    The desired number of u_points.
    The desired number of v_points.

    Related Functions

    Common Errors


    System::Int64 PlanCylinderProbing(
    	System::Int64 wp_id,
    	System::Int64 index,
    	System::String^ wp_name,
    	System::Int64 face_id,
    	System::Int64 num_u_points,
    	System::Int64 num_v_points

    The PlanCylinderProbing() function creates probing workingsteps to test the tolerances of a cylindrical surface and returns the identity of the new feature that contains the cylindrical face.

    The probing operations are put into a new nested workplan that is created by the function. All of the probing operations are made to operate on a new feature that contains the face being probed. Ideally one probe point is generated for each u, v combination. For example, if u is 3 and v is 5 then there will be 15 points. However, if the point is inside a hole, or outside the boundary of the face then it will be omitted. If necessary the location of the u and v can be nudged using the PlanSetDeltaUandV function.


    The workplan that is to contain the new nested workplan.
    Name for the new workplan
    The position where the new workplan is to be placed. -1 means at the start, 0 means after the current first executable, any number greater than the current size means at the end of the workplan.
    The identity of a face defined on a cylinder.
    The desired number of u_points.
    The desired number of v_points.

    Related Functions

    Common Errors


    System::Int64 PlanPlane3PointProbing(
    	System::Int64 wp_id,
    	System::Int64 index,
    	System::String^ wp_nme,
    	System::Int64 face_id,
    	double space_a,
    	double space_b,
    	System::Int64 reverse_ab

    The PlanPlane3PointProbing() function creates three probing workingsteps to test the location of a planar surface and return the identity of the new feature that contains the planar face.

    The probing operations are put into a new nested workplan that is created by the operation. All of the probing operations are made to operate on a new feature that contains the face being probed. The goal of this version of the planning functions is to generate three probe points that are far from each other as possible in order to get the best possible error detection for face.


    The workplan that is to contain the new nested workplan.
    The position where the new workplan is to be placed. -1 means at the start, 0 means after the current first executable, any number greater than the current size means at the end of the workplan.
    Name for the new workplan
    The identity of a face defined on a plabe.
    The distance between two points at the base of a triangle.
    The distance between the top and base of the triangle.
    Swap the a and b directions.

    Related Functions

    Common Errors


    System::Int64 PlanPlaneProbing(
    	System::Int64 wp_id,
    	System::Int64 index,
    	System::String^ wp_name,
    	System::Int64 face_id,
    	System::Int64 num_u_points,
    	System::Int64 num_v_points

    The PlanPlaneProbing() function creates probing workingsteps to test the tolerances of a planar surface and returns the identity of the new feature that contains the planar face.

    The probing operations are put into a new nested workplan that is created by the function. All of the probing operations are made to operate on a new feature that contains the face being probed. Ideally one probe point is generated for each u, v combination. For example, if u is 3 and v is 5 then there will be 15 points. However, if the point is inside a hole, or outside the boundary of the face then it will be omitted. If necessary the location of the u and v can be nudged using the PlanSetDeltaUandV function.


    The workplan that is to contain the new nested workplan.
    Name for the new workplan
    The position where the new workplan is to be placed. -1 means at the start, 0 means after the current first executable, any number greater than the current size means at the end of the workplan.
    The identity of a face defined on a cylinder.
    The desired number of u_points.
    The desired number of v_points.

    Related Functions

    Common Errors


    System::Int64 PlanProbingAddPoint(
    	System::Int64 wp_id,
    	System::Int64 index,
    	System::String^ ws_name,
    	System::Int64 face_id,
    	double x,
    	double y,
    	double z,
    	double i,
    	double j,
    	double k

    The PlanProbingAddPoint() function


    void PlanSetDeltaUandV(
    	double u,
    	double v

    The PlanSetDeltaUandV() function enables the initial values of the grid points to be nudged to a location where they may encounter less holes or fit better with the shape of the boundary

    The plan probing operations use the face edge loop to compute maximum and minimum values for initial points on the face and then generating a grid of points between these maxima and minima. However this procedure does not guarantee that every point will be on the face. If the edge loop is not rectangular then some of the points may be outside of the edge and if the face contains holes then some of the points may be in a hole.


    Delta for the U direction.
    Delta for the V direction.

    Related Functions


    void PlanSetStartClear(
    	double start,
    	double clear

    The PlanSetStartClear() function defines the distance of the start point from the touch point in that direction. The function also defines a clearance plane for the first and last operation. A probing operation first moves the probe to a start location and then moves the probe from that location in a defined direction until it touches the surface. The PlanUsingNormal, PlanUsingXandY and PlanUsingXorY define the direction.


    Distance from the touched point for the start point.
    Clearance distance above the start and end points in for the first and last probing operations. The first probe operation will move to this location before going to the first probe start point. The last probe operation will retract to this point at the end of the plan.

    Related Functions

    Common Errors


    void PlanUsingClearAlways();

    The PlanUsingClearAlways() function makes generated probing plans use the clear plane for every probe.


    void PlanUsingClearAtStartEndOnly();

    The PlanUsingClearAtStartEndOnly() function makes generated probing plans use the clear plane only at first and last probe.


    void PlanUsingNormal();

    The PlanUsingNormal() function sets the probe direction to be defined by the normal to the surface at the point being probed. The probing operation will move the probe along this normal until it touches the surface. The other method for defining the probe direction is defined by the PlanUsingZAxis function. If PlanUsingNormal is being used then PlanUsingXandY is also assumed.

    Related Functions


    void PlanUsingXandY();

    The PlanUsingXandY() function allows the probing planner to generate operations that approach the surface in the XY plane with simultaneous motion in both X and Y.


    void PlanUsingXorY();

    The PlanUsingXorY() function sets the probing strategy so that if PlanUsingZAxis is ON then PlanUsingXorY determines the direction to be taken for the probe once it is at the correct Z height. If this function is on then the probe can only move in the X or Y direction so the probe is moved to a start position that allows the probe to move in one axis only. The axis chosen is the one that will minimize any tangent errors.

    Related Functions


    void PlanUsingZAxis();

    The PlanUsingZAxis() function sets the strategy so PlanUsingXandY determines the direction to be taken for the probe once it is at the correct Z height. If this function is on then the probe can be moved in the X and Y direction simulataneously. If the system is in PlanUsingXorY then only one of the axes can be moved because of restrictions on the control.

    If PlanUsingZAxis is on and the surface being probed is more horizontal than vertical then the probe is first moved over the point and then moved down vertically until it touches the surface.

    If PlanUsingZaxis is on and the surface being probed is more vertical than horizontal then the probe is first moved to the correct height and then moved to the point using the XY normal if PlanUsingXandY is on, or just one axis if PlanUsingXorY is on.

    Related Functions


    void PutMeasurementWorkpiece(
    	System::Int64 ws_id,
    	System::String^ file_name

    The PutMeasurementWorkpiece() function


    void PutMeasurementWorkpieceRaw(
    	System::Int64 ws_id,
    	System::String^ file_name

    The PutMeasurementWorkpieceRaw() function


    void PutProbeResult(
    	System::Int64 index,
    	double value

    The PutProbeResult() function puts the result of a probing operation into the STEP-NC file so that it can be used to evaluate the quality of the tolerances on the part. There are several versions of this function. PutProbeResult is the simplest because it takes the value given and makes it the probe result. The other functions perform a calculation using the coordinates of the touched point.


    The position of this probe in the sequence
    The distance traveled by the probe before it touched the surface.

    Related Functions

    Common Errors


    void PutProbeResultXPos(
    	System::Int64 index,
    	double x

    If the operation moved the probe in the x direction then the PutProbeResultXPos() function uses the value of the x coordinate to determine the touch point.


    The position of this probe in the sequence
    The value of the X coordinate when the probe touched the surface.

    Related Functions

    Common Errors


    void PutProbeResultXYZPos(
    	System::Int64 index,
    	double x,
    	double y,
    	double z

    Depending on the control it may be easier to either use the distance traveled or the coordinates of the touch point to set the result of a probing operations. The PutProbeResultXYZPos() function allows the result to be set using the three coordinates.


    The position of this probe in the sequence
    The value of the X coordinate when the probe touched the surface.
    The value of the Y coordinate when the probe touched the surface.
    The value of the Z coordinate when the probe touched the surface.

    Related Functions

    Common Errors


    void PutProbeResultYPos(
    	System::Int64 index,
    	double y

    If the operation moved the probe in the y direction then the PutProbeResultYPos() function uses the value of the y coordinate to determine the touch point.


    The position of this probe in the sequence
    The value of the Y coordinate when the probe touched the surface.

    Related Functions

    Common Errors


    void PutProbeResultZPos(
    	System::Int64 index,
    	double z

    If the operation moved the probe in the z direction then the PutProbeResultZPos() function uses the value of the z coordinate to determine the touch point.


    The position of this probe in the sequence
    The value of the Z coordinate when the probe touched the surface.

    Related Functions

    Common Errors


    void PutToleranceDefinedAreaUnit(
    	System::Int64 tol_id,
    	double value1,
    	double value2,
    	System::String^ area_type

    The PutToleranceDefinedAreaUnit() function assigns an area unit basis to a tolerance. This means that the controlled feature can only vary by the tolerance amount per area of a given size and shape, rather than over the entire feature.

    The tolerance must have been created with the WITH_DEFINED_AREA flag. The parameters are the tolerance, the two numeric values, and a string describing the shape of the unit basis area. The strings accepted for the area type are "square", "circular", or "rectangular" and these control how the numeric parameters are interpreted.

    An area type of "rectangular" requires both numeric values to describe a rectangular area. This appears in a feature control frame as "value1 X value2". This is equivalent to calling the PutToleranceDefinedRectangularUnit() function.

    An area type of "square" requires the first numeric value to describe a square area with sides of that length. The second numeric value is ignored. This appears in a feature control frame as "□ value1". Thie is equivalent to calling the PutToleranceDefinedSquareUnit() function.

    An area type of "circular" requires the first numeric value to describe a circular area with [diameter?] of that length. The second numeric value is ignored. This appears in a feature control frame as "ø value1". Thie is equivalent to calling the PutToleranceDefinedCircularUnit() function.

    Int64 callout_id;
    Int64 tol_id = tol->AddTolerancePositionWithFlags(
        callout_id, 0.01, ABC, WITH_DEFINED_AREA
    // add a square 0.02 X 0.02 defined area unit
        tol_id, 1.0, 0.5, rectangular


    void Tolerance::PutToleranceDefinedCircularUnit(
    	System::Int64 tol_id,
    	double value1

    The PutToleranceDefinedCircularUnit() function assigns a circular area unit basis to a tolerance. This means that the controlled feature can only vary by the tolerance amount per circular area of a given size, rather than over the entire feature.

    The tolerance must have been created with the WITH_DEFINED_AREA flag. The parameters are the tolerance, the [presumably diameter, but ISO 1101 is unclear] of the circular area.


    void Tolerance::PutToleranceDefinedRectangularUnit(
    	System::Int64 tol_id,
    	double value1,
    	double value2

    The PutToleranceDefinedRectangularUnit() function assigns a rectangular area unit basis to a tolerance. This means that the controlled feature can only vary by the tolerance amount per rectangular area of a given size, rather than over the entire feature.

    The tolerance must have been created with the WITH_DEFINED_AREA flag. The parameters are the tolerance and the lengths of both sides of the rectangular area.


    void Tolerance::PutToleranceDefinedSquareUnit(
    	System::Int64 tol_id,
    	double value1

    The PutToleranceDefinedSquareUnit() function assigns a square area unit basis to a tolerance. This means that the controlled feature can only vary by the tolerance amount per square area of a given size, rather than over the entire feature.

    The tolerance must have been created with the WITH_DEFINED_AREA flag. The parameters are the tolerance and the length of the side of the square area.


    void PutToleranceDefinedUnit(
    	System::Int64 tol_id,
    	double value

    The PutToleranceDefinedUnit() function assigns a unit basis length to a tolerance, which means that the controlled feature can only vary by the tolerance amount over the given length, rather than over the entire feature.

    The tolerance must have been created with the WITH_DEFINED_UNIT flag. The parameters are the tolerance and the length of the unit basis.

    Int64 callout_id;
    Int64 tol_id = tol->AddTolerancePositionWithFlags(
        callout_id, 0.01, ABC, WITH_DEFINED_UNIT
    tol->PutToleranceDefinedUnit( tol_id, 0.5 );


    void PutToleranceMax(
    	System::Int64 tol_id,
    	double value

    The PutToleranceMax() function assigns a maximum tolerance value to a tolerance. The tolerance must have been created with the WITH_MAX flag. Use the AddModifierToTolerance() function to give the tolerance either "maximum_material_requirement" or the "least_material_requirement" modifier.

    The parameters are the tolerance and the maximum value.

    Int64 callout_id;
    Int64 tol_id;
    // Create tolerance with max. The MAX flag implies WITH_MODS.
    tol_id = tol->AddTolerancePositionWithFlags(
        callout_id, 0.01, ABC, WITH_MAX
    // add a maximum tolerance value and MMC modifier
    tol->PutToleranceMax( tol_id, 0.05 );
    tol->AddToleranceModifier( tol_id, maximum_material_requirement );


    void PutToleranceMeasuredValue(
    	System::Int64 tol_id,
    	double current_value

    The PutToleranceMeasuredValue() function sets the measured value of a tolerance. The value can be computed using a guage or by applying an algorithm to the result of the probing operations that have been applied to the faces in the tolerance.


    The identity of the tolerance
    The measured value

    Related Functions

    Common Errors


    void PutTolerancePrecision(
    	System::Int64 tol_id,
    	System::Int64 num_digits

    The PutTolerancePrecision() sets the precision of a tolerance value to the number of digits given by setting the tolerance value format type to "NR5 d" where d is the number of digits.


    The identity of the tolerance
    The precision as a number of digits after the decimal point

    Related Functions

    Common Errors


    void PutToleranceValue(
    	System::Int64 tol_id,
    	double value

    The PutToleranceValue() sets or corrects the nominal value of a tolerance.


    The identity of the tolerance
    The new nominal value for the tolerance, dimension or surface texture.

    Related Functions

    Common Errors


    void PutToleranceValueFormatType(
    	System::Int64 tol_id,

    The PutToleranceValueFormatType() sets the precision of a tolerance value to the given string. The string should be formatted as described in Part 45 clause 6.4.14 if possible using the NR5 or NR2 encoding so that the precision can be determined using the GetTolerancePrecision() function.


    The identity of the tolerance
    The required format as a string

    Related Functions

    Common Errors


    void PutToleranceUnequal(
    	System::Int64 tol_id,
    	double value

    The PutToleranceUnequal() function assigns an unequal disposition to a tolerance. The tolerance must have been created with the WITH_UNEQUAL flag.

    The parameters are the tolerance and the displacement of the unequal disposition.

    Int64 callout_id;
    Int64 tol_id;
    // Create tolerance with unequal disposition.
    tol_id = tol->AddTolerancePositionWithFlags(
        callout_id, 0.01, ABC, WITH_UNEQUAL
    tol->AddToleranceUnequal( tol_id, 0.007 );


    void PutToleranceZone(
    	System::Int64 tol_id,
    	System::String zone_type

    The PutToleranceZone() sets the zone type to be measured for a tolerance or dimension. By default a measurement system will assume the zone to be measured is planar. The PutToleranceZone() function allows other types of surfaces to be measured.


    The identity of the tolerance
    The zone which must be one of the strings listed below

    Related Functions

    Common Errors


    void PutToolCurrentDiameter(
    	System::Int64 tl_id,
    	double current_diameter

    The PutToolCurrentDiameter() function sets the new current diameter of a tool. Ideally it is set to the value recommended by the GetToolDiameterAdvice function, but if more than one tolerance depends on the tool then a compromise may be necessary.


    The identity of the tool.
    The new current value for the diameter.

    Related Functions

    Common Errors


    void PutToolCurrentLength(
    	System::Int64 tl_id,
    	double current_length

    The PutToolCurrentLength() function sets the new current length of a tool. Ideally it is set to the value recommended by the GetToolLengthAdvice function, but if more than one tolerance depends on the tool then a compromise may be necessary.


    The identity of the tool
    The new current value for the length

    Related Functions

    Common Errors


    void PutToolCurrentRadius(
    	System::Int64 tl_id,
    	double current_corner_radius

    The PutToolCurrentRadius() function sets the new current radius of a tool. Ideally it is set to the value recommended by the GetToolRadiusAdvice function, but if more than one tolerance depends on the tool then a compromise may be necessary. The tool radius defines a fillet between the tool length and the tool diameter.


    The identity of the tool
    The new current value for the radius.

    Related Functions

    Common Errors


    void ResetTolerance();

    The ResetTolerance() function unsets the measured values of all the tolerances so that they can be measured again. This function should be executed just before or after the part is machined to make sure that all the new measurements are for the new part. It should not be executed before the new tool compensation values have been set.

    Related Functions


    void ResetTool();

    The ResetTool() function resets the tool dimensions so that the current dimensions are used as the base line for future measurements and compensations. This function should be called immediately after the tool dimensions have been loaded from an ISO 13399 file, and after each round of machining.

    Related Functions


    void SetupMateThreeFaces(
    	System::Int64 faceA_id,
    	System::Int64 faceB_id,
    	System::Int64 faceC_id,
    	[System::Runtime::InteropServices::Out] double %x,
    	[System::Runtime::InteropServices::Out] double %y,
    	[System::Runtime::InteropServices::Out] double %z,
    	[System::Runtime::InteropServices::Out] double %i,
    	[System::Runtime::InteropServices::Out] double %j,
    	[System::Runtime::InteropServices::Out] double %k,
    	[System::Runtime::InteropServices::Out] double %a,
    	[System::Runtime::InteropServices::Out] double %b,
    	[System::Runtime::InteropServices::Out] double %c
    void SetupMateSixFaces(
    	System::Int64 faceP_id,
    	System::Int64 faceQ_id,
    	System::Int64 faceR_id,
    	System::Int64 faceA_id,
    	System::Int64 faceB_id,
    	System::Int64 faceC_id,
    	[System::Runtime::InteropServices::Out] double %x,
    	[System::Runtime::InteropServices::Out] double %y,
    	[System::Runtime::InteropServices::Out] double %z,
    	[System::Runtime::InteropServices::Out] double %i,
    	[System::Runtime::InteropServices::Out] double %j,
    	[System::Runtime::InteropServices::Out] double %k,
    	[System::Runtime::InteropServices::Out] double %a,
    	[System::Runtime::InteropServices::Out] double %b,
    	[System::Runtime::InteropServices::Out] double %c
    void WorkplanSetupMateSixFaces(
    	double x1,
    	double y1,
    	double z1,
    	double i1,
    	double j1,
    	double k1,
    	double a1,
    	double b1,
    	double c1,
    	double x2,
    	double y2,
    	double z2,
    	double i2,
    	double j2,
    	double k2,
    	double a2
    	double b2
    	double c2
    	[System::Runtime::InteropServices::Out] double %x,
    	[System::Runtime::InteropServices::Out] double %y,
    	[System::Runtime::InteropServices::Out] double %z,
    	[System::Runtime::InteropServices::Out] double %i,
    	[System::Runtime::InteropServices::Out] double %j,
    	[System::Runtime::InteropServices::Out] double %k,
    	[System::Runtime::InteropServices::Out] double %a,
    	[System::Runtime::InteropServices::Out] double %b,
    	[System::Runtime::InteropServices::Out] double %c

    The SetupMate functions compute the transformation necessary to move the geometry defined by one coordinate system onto the geometry defined by another coordinate system.

    The coordinate systems can be defined by the nine coordinates of a placement (x, y, z) (i, j, k) (a, b, c) or by three faces.

    If the coordinate system is defined by three faces and the first face is a plane, then the coordinate system will use the first face to define the z axis, the second face to define the y axis and and the third face to define the x axis.

    If the coordinate system is defined by three faces and the first face is a cylinder, then the coordinate system will use the axis of the cylinder to define the z axis, the second face to define the origin on that axis, and the third face to define a reference direction.

    If only one coordinate system is defined then the other coordinate system will be assumed to be the origin. If three faces are given then the second and third can be any kind of face with a placement.

    The computed transformation will place the first coordinate system on top of the second.


    x, y, z
    Origin of a coordinate system
    i, j, k
    Z-direction of a coordinate system
    a, b, kb
    Reference (X) direction of a coordinate system
    FaceA, FaceB, FaceC
    The destination coordinate system.
    FaceP, FaceQ, FaceR
    Optional source coordinate system.


    void TakeToolAdvice();

    If there are no conflicts between the corrections required for each tolerance then the TakeToolAdvice() function is the simple way to fix all of the tool compensations because it sets all the compensation registers to the values that will best correct all the errors measured in the tolerances.

    Related Functions


    System::Int64 ToleranceOn();

    The ToleranceOn() function returns a flag indicating if there are any tolerances in the STEP-NC model data. If there are no tolerances then the application need not be concerned with any of the functionality in the tolerance object and may be able to run faster.

    Related Functions


    System::Int64 ToolMonitoringIsOn();

    The ToolMonitoringIsOn() function


    void ToolMonitoringOff();

    The ToolMonitoringOff() function


    void ToolMonitoringOn();

    The ToolMonitoringOn() function


    void WorkpieceCompleteProbing();

    When WorkpieceCompleteProbing() function is called, if the STEP-NC model contains three workplans that probe three planes then they are used to compute a three dimensional transformation for the part. If it only contains two then a two dimensional transformation is computed. Otherwise an error is reported. The computed transformation is used to modify any subsequently executed CNC code.

    Related Functions

    Common Errors


    void WorkpiecePlacementUsingDatum(
    	System::Int64 reference_wp_id,
    	System::String^ datum_select_1,
    	System::Int64 move_wp_id,
    	System::String^ datum_select_2

    The WorkpiecePlacementUsingDatum() function


    void WorkpiecePlacementUsingFaces(
    	System::Int64 wp_id,
    	System::Int64 face1a_id,
    	System::Int64 face1b_id,
    	System::Int64 face1c_id,
    	System::Int64 face2a_id,
    	System::Int64 face2b_id,
    	System::Int64 face2c_id

    The WorkpiecePlacementUsingFaces() function


    void WorkplanSetupPlacementUsingFaces(
    	System::Int64 plan_id,
    	System::Int64 faceA_id,
    	System::Int64 faceB_id,
    	System::Int64 faceC_id

    The WorkplanSetupPlacementUsingFaces() function