ENTITY IfcRecurrencePattern

(* SCHEMA IFC4; *)
ENTITY IfcRecurrencePattern;
	RecurrenceType : IfcRecurrenceTypeEnum;
	DayComponent : OPTIONAL SET [1:?] OF IfcDayInMonthNumber;
	WeekdayComponent : OPTIONAL SET [1:?] OF IfcDayInWeekNumber;
	MonthComponent : OPTIONAL SET [1:?] OF IfcMonthInYearNumber;
	Position : OPTIONAL IfcInteger;
	Interval : OPTIONAL IfcInteger;
	Occurrences : OPTIONAL IfcInteger;
	TimePeriods : OPTIONAL LIST [1:?] OF IfcTimePeriod;

Explicit Attributes

Entity IfcRecurrencePattern has the following local and inherited explicit attributes:
AttributeTypeDefined By
 RecurrenceTypeIfcRecurrenceTypeEnum (ENUM)IfcRecurrencePattern
 DayComponentSET OF IfcDayInMonthNumber (INTEGER)IfcRecurrencePattern
 WeekdayComponentSET OF IfcDayInWeekNumber (INTEGER)IfcRecurrencePattern
 MonthComponentSET OF IfcMonthInYearNumber (INTEGER)IfcRecurrencePattern
 POSITIONIfcInteger (INTEGER)IfcRecurrencePattern
 IntervalIfcInteger (INTEGER)IfcRecurrencePattern
 OccurrencesIfcInteger (INTEGER)IfcRecurrencePattern
 TimePeriodsLIST OF IfcTimePeriod (ENTITY)IfcRecurrencePattern

Derived Attributes

    No derived attributes

Inverse Attributes

    No Inverse Attributes


    No supertypes


    No subtypes

Referenced By

Entity IfcRecurrencePattern and its supertypes are referenced by the following definitions:
DefinitionTypeReferenced Entity
 IfcTaskTimeRecurring ENTITY IfcRecurrencePattern
 IfcWorkTime ENTITY IfcRecurrencePattern

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